does anyone know if the trout in fuller lake are etible?


Active Member
hi i just got into freashwater fishing and thought i would try fuller lake dock cause i dont have a boat.
thanks for the help

Heh heh, I tried asking this here when I first got into fishing cause some people said you should never eat fish out of certain lakes while others said they were perfectly fine.......
Quite the stir I created......good luck ! ;)
No problem eating them.
good clear lake, no algae blooms to ruin the taste.
Cast power bait straight out used to be the go-to method.

Good luck
Good eating fish in Fuller Lake for sure,but Quamichan Lake is another story.Big cutties in Quam,but taste like crap.
I believe Fuller is spring fed and deeper/colder than Quamichan,so that's probably the reason for the better tasting
trout.Just what I've found over the many years of fishing these lakes.
thanks for the help. I did go fishing there and did not catch a thing although there was a other guy there with 1 good one.
Fished Fuller Lake once. Couldn't help but notice the perfect lawns. Not a dandelion or other weeds in sight makes me wonder if the owners are using herbicides.