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Fisheries Department sends memo to employees to explain Christmas
By Jennifer Campbell, Postmedia NewsDecember 22, 2010

OTTAWA — Canada's Fisheries Department employees now know what Christmas is all about, thanks to a memo issued this week by Deputy Minister Claire Dansereau.

The memo, sent to all departmental employees Tuesday, was titled "Christmas — December 25, 2010."

It notes that "December 25th is a national holiday in Canada and in many countries around the world."

For those unfamiliar with the holiday, it continues: "On that day, Christians commemorate the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. Families decorate trees and put ornaments on their front door or yard and in their house. Christians and non-Christians gather around delicious holiday dishes and share gifts and cards."

And, finally, for those who want to learn more about Christianity, it gives a web link to a National Defence Religions Canada document. It finishes by wishing "all who participate, a very Merry Christmas."

Dansereau didn't respond to an interview request but media relations manager Frank Stanek replied by email. He explained that DFO is "a learning organization" that is "committed to (being) a workplace that supports and celebrates diversity."

He said that means it "seeks to promote, support and celebrate the benefits of diversity in the workplace through many initiatives, including the sharing of information about special holidays, celebrations and observances."

Stanek said his boss "routinely" sends out notes to all employees introducing or providing information about cultural observances and this year, the list included Christmas, Hanukkah and the birthday of Guru Nanak, who is the founder of Sikhism.
© Copyright (c) The Ottawa Citizen
Thats for real?

I wonder how many licences it took to pay for all that research?
Just a thought...

If you have to explain Christmas to your employees, just maybe they are too stupid to be employed.

Hire smarter people!

/ If the person applying for a job has DFO as a former employer on his resume - would you hire him?

I would like to say that I am suprised, but..........

This is what the DFO is doing with our tax dollars, because well there really isn't anything else that they could be doing right? Sometimes I think that they must all have to wear slip on shoes, (as when they do stupid $h!t like this, it makes me think that they are toooooo stupiiiiid to tie up a pair of shoes, or even use velcro!)

Someone in our governments needs to step up and make the civil servants think about what they do before they do it and be mindfull and respectfull of how what they do is percieved by the people that pay their wages - that is YOU and I !!!!!
Merry Christmas!
It's 8:14 and I already need a BEER!
HeHeHE------ But that is NOTHING compared to instructions issued about 25 years ago in a Training Manual for Fisheries Guardians ( when they still had a bunch of seasonal enforcement guys.

The author, a former Fisheries Patrolboat skipper, wrote the definitive bible for new recruits. Amongst all the usual safety stuff ( dont get between a momma griz and her cubs, dont drink water out of beaver ponds etc ) There were a few paragraphs about how to deal with lonliness and isolation when on patrol in remote areas.

And what had all the old guard splitting thier guts laughing was the paragraph that said, that because they might get lonely , IT WAS ALRIGHT TO MASTERBATE. They should not feel guilty!!

yep-- your tax dollars at work!!!