Dear John, make the call


Active Member

Dear John, make the call


Published: Friday, December 10, 2010

The current quota system for halibut on the west coast is scary for two reasons.
First, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans has allocated fully 88 per cent of the allowable catch to 436 people. That leaves the rest of the entire population with 12 per cent.

So the 436 commercial 'quotas' get a large portion of what should be a common property resource. The recreational sector, residents and tourists, get to share 12 per cent. But even darker is the possibility that the sport fishing allocation for the 2011 season is, according to DFO, going to be less which will mean the season will effectively close just after it opens.

This could have a traumatic affect on the sport fish tourism sector. Right now people are booking their fishing vacations and if one of the great prizes of sport fishing in BC won't be available, well, we all know what will happen.

The solution is so easy. Take a portion of that 88 per cent commercial quota and allocate it to the sport fishery so that the 2011 season will be made whole again. Millions are on the line in marketing dollars alone, several more millions of dollars are on the line with potential loss of employment in the sport fishery sector.

We need local MP John Duncan to make a phone call to Fisheries Minister Gayle Shea. He should tell her it would be better if a few people took a small hit rather than to jeopardize an entire industry.

And the second part of this quota system that is scary? What if they roll that out in the same form and fashion for other fish, like salmon for instance?

© Courier-Islander (Campbell River) 2010