Dawg Day Afternoon


Well-Known Member
Couldn't stand the HEAT any more the other day, so grabbed the pooches and headed to a local lake.
Sitting in the water up to my neck with a brew in hand certainly beat the hell out of town! :D

Being so damn hot, I didn't think it would be worth dragging along the rods. OOPS!
Flying ant hatch had them GOING, and nothing to take advantage of that on hand. Lesson Learned. :eek:

Boogs pretty much turns into a 143 lb PUPPY when out there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qb3dgbw8viE

Back to the Coast Right Shortly now, hoping to escape some of the warmth, and perhaps find a fish or three...

Good Luck out there Nog. Methinks you will find a fish or three ;) Pops is back and things are progressing here...have fun!