crab quality


Haven't done enough crabbing over the years to notice a pattern regarding the best time of year to harvest crab, but have heard that any month with an "r" in it is preferable. Dropped my traps yesterday for the first time in ages and ended up with seven keepers. Was disappointed with the quality of the crabs as they were soft shelled and the legs were only half full at best. Has anyone else experienced this lately and when exactly are crabs at their prime?
Mid June for us. Our best trap last year had 22 crabs. Seven keepers almost 7" and 3 were closer to 8". Best bait for me 2 seasons in a row has been fresh rockfish carcass. Filet with guts in. Perforate a few times and hang em in there with a small caribener through the jaw.
this time of year is good. I had seven keepers two weeks ago and one had the soft shell and not so much meat. Look for the darker coloured ones as they tend to be harder. If they have barnacles on them they will be chocker block full of meat. The super duper clean ones likely have recently changed shells and havn't filled out yet. I crab all year round and do quite well and am never dissapointed with the quality as long as I pay attention to what I'm getting.
Haven't done enough crabbing over the years to notice a pattern regarding the best time of year to harvest crab, but have heard that any month with an "r" in it is preferable. Dropped my traps yesterday for the first time in ages and ended up with seven keepers. Was disappointed with the quality of the crabs as they were soft shelled and the legs were only half full at best. Has anyone else experienced this lately and when exactly are crabs at their prime?

I find the best way to check the crabs after measuring to confirm they area legal size is to flip them on their backs grab one of the back legs and give it a squeeze, if the leg feels soft most likely the crab has recently molted it's shell and although legal you will not get much meat at all out of the legs or claws.. I throw them back, at four a day limit it is worth it to me to be pick and sort through the crabs to find the one with the stronger harder feeling legs.. A friend of mine from Town showed me that trick and i have thrown back many keeper sized crabs in search of ones with a harder shell that are better eating , the better crabs will have more orange and purple on their legs and body as apposed to white...if you have a couple traps it doesn't usually take many soaks to pick out 4 good ones.. Happy Crabbing

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Did a bit of research and found it stated that the crabs moult in July. Perhaps they moult at multiple times throughout the year. Next time out I will try the squeeze the leg idea.
I go by colour... And a lil squeeze.. I will keep smaller keepers if they are darker than large bright ones!
If the crab has in fact just moulted and has a new shell that isn't full of meat yet, does this affect the quality of the meat that is there. Is it just that the quantity isn't there, or is the quality not as good either.
Soft crabs will have less and poor quality meat after boiling. Best to gently throw them back until next time.
Crab molt throughout the year bases on their size/growth. Unless you are crabbing in a remote area, commercial areas will be mostly soft as commies throw them all back keeping only the marketable hard shelled.
The area I was at is in an area with lots of commercial traps. So, if they are hitting them hard, I'm guessing most of the hard shelled ones are already taken. Makes you wonder if the effort is worth it. Gotta say this trip wasn't. Sure wish they would make the commercial guys go to more remote areas and leave the more easily accessed areas for recreational crabbing. Or, at least designate some part of the closer areas recreational only.