Cowichan Bay Ramp Closed June 4- 8


Well-Known Member
Just a reminder that the Cow Bay ramp is closed next week for work in the parking area.

Alternatives, Crofton and Cherry Point.

Does anybody have experience at the Crofton ramp for minimum tide height to safely launch?

i drove by this mornng and i think the sign said was open after 5pm each day, not 100% positive though
I haven't launched out of Crofton, but a friend says it's better on low tide than Cow Bay. He says come in/out on low tide pretty well straight out from the ramp, gets shallow off the sides. I think there's more concrete ramp in the water in Crofton than Cow Bay.
Crofton has a good launch on the low tides , if therefore you are looking at tides in the 1.5 to a small minus range you can still launch with care , as you go out be aware that there is a sand bar parallel to the North side and can be interesting on the very low tides.


Thanks guys.
I've looked at the Crofton ramp but never had the call to use it. Usually just head to Cow Bay but generally try to schedule it so I never launch/retrieve at less than 1.5m.
The dropoff at the end of the concrete has caught me before.