Comox Harbour Reports


Well-Known Member
Has anyone had success in the Harbour this year for springs?
Thinking of getting out this week.
Slow fishing in the Harbour.
May pickup but who knows.
Thanks Guys for the reports..
If I get out here or at the Q I will report

I was in the harbor for a few hours earlier this week mid day trolling and one crab trap didn't see anything jumping no one else fishing no bites no crab but that's not unusual for me you may have better luck let us know.
Fished between the cans at Point Holmes last night for a few hours. Three strikes, one on that we lost at the boat, small coho. Nothing to the cleaning table. Beautiful night on the water none the less.
Well if it's not good this weekend is it ever going to be? I'm going to give it a shot. See you out there.;) eman