Cohen Commision: Special Hearings on ISA

"I can see this all ready! The first two witnesses, who actually tested for ISAv and their samples tested positive for ISAv will say that it is possible to have false positives and additional testing should be done.

Dr Kristi Miller will state her research is not complete and there is someting infecting the Sockeye; however, she has not confirmed what it is. Hopefully, someone will ask here about SL??? She will NOT provide proof she has tested for ISAv and probably doesn't even know much about it.

Then you will have the other FIVE (5) who are going to state there are procedures in place to properly test for ISAv. They tested the samples provided; however, the samples were poor, degraded, and their results could not be duplicated; therefore, were are considered false positives. And, there has been the ongoing testing process in BC for years with 5,000 fish tested, and non "confirmed" ISAv. Even all those fish tested positive in 2002 for ISAv were not retested properly and therefore tests are also considered to be "false positives." There has never been any "confirmed" cases of ISAv in BC. That is their story and "they" are sticking to it! Any bets???"

Well, after day two, I'd say it's still a toss up, Charlie.
Dr.Miller's testimony yesterday was a surprise for sure. Seems she has done some recent testing and knows a bit more about ISA than she was originally given credit for.
From what I read about today's hearings, Commission Council blew some pretty big holes in DFO and CFIA testimony. That was a big surprise.
Next, the lawyers for Canada have a chance to do damage control for DFO and CFIA. We'll see how that goes on Monday.
Looking forward to reading the transcripts in a few weeks.
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Cohen Aquaculture Daily – December 19, 2011

This entry was posted in Cohen Aquaculture Daily and tagged Cohen Aquaculture Daily, ISAV, Save Our Salmon, Watershed Watch. Filed In: Salmon Farming. Posted by Trish Hall on December 19, 2011

Summary: The third day of disease hearings focused again on a panel of senior scientists and managers from the federal government.

Issues that were discussed included:

Dr. Simon Jones discussed his doubts about the validity of 2004 findings of ISAv in Pacific salmon and indicated those doubts weighed into his decision to deny Molly Kibenge permission to go ahead and submit her findings for publication.
Dr. Klotins described progress on implementing a new surveillance plan for diseases in BC anadromous salmon including ISAv, IPNv, and IHNv.
Mr. Stephen said Dr. Kristi Miller’s findings of ISAv in Pacific salmon came as a complete surprise and he had asked her if she had reported her suspicions to CIFA; Dr. Miller said no.
Under questioning by the Province Dr. Jones re-confirmed his concerns about assays done by Mollie Kibenge being faulty and this being the reason he didn’t support the work going forward.
Under questioning from the BC Salmon Farming Association (BCSFA) Counsel Dr. Klotins admitted she had not reviewed Dr. Miller’s work but would be conducting an assessment of her methods in the future.
Dr. Wright was asked by the BCSFA Counsel if it was “too early to run to the newspapers” about ISAv in BC to which Wright agreed it was too early to draw conclusions and that pathogens were everywhere and they don’t always cause diseases.
Under cross-examination by counsel for the Aquaculture Coalition Dr. Klotins said she responded to the Monday October 17 announcement that ISAv had been found by Dr. Kibenge in BC sockeye by checking with Kibenge if the samples could have been false positives. Since ISAv had never been seen before in Pacific salmon, CFIA was suspicious of reports of positive tests, but did notify specific trading partners.
When asked if the positive results might not have been made public for months unless there had been media reports, Dr. Klotins said she couldn’t say. Mr. Stephen added, it is not government practice to announce “presumptive results.”
When asked about the finding by Kristi Miller of HSMI (heart and skeletal muscle inflammation) in farmed BC Chinook, Dr. Klotins said that HSMI is not a ‘reportable disease’ under OEI rules.
Mr. Stephen told the inquiry that findings of ISAv in samples of Weaver Creek sockeye collected by Alex Morton were not reported to the public in a government media release because we are not prepared to report on presumptive positives.
Aquaculture Coalition Counsel questioned Mr. Stephen about a joint media release by BC and federal fisheries ministers issued November 9, 2011, which referred to reports of ISAv as “reckless allegations.” Stephen was asked if the language was appropriate given that Nellie Gagne of DFO’s Moncton diagnostic lab had called the results inconclusive and confirmed that samples were degraded and thus the results couldn’t be termed negative, but only inconclusive. Stephen commented that his understanding was that the results were negative and he knew some were degraded.
Aquaculture Coalition counsel asked if the subject of an October 19 email (Exhibit 2101) was an attack on Dr. Kibenge’s credibility to which Klotins disagreed.
Klotins said that Dr. Routledge’s samples were not seized but put under quarantine. She did confirm that Dr. Routledge had asked for the return of his samples but she couldn’t offer a guarantee or timeline for their return.
Klotins confirmed she sent an email on November 4 to Cornelius Kiley recommending no further testing of samples from citizens because CFIA was concerned about being unable to track the chain of custody of samples.
Klotins also confirmed CFIA was not currently sampling nor had they previously sampled wild Pacific salmon but were instead developing a disease surveillance plan.
Dr. Simon Jones re-iterated that he had not provided documents to the Inquiry on the 2004 findings of ISAv by Molly Kibenge because he deemed the findings to not be positive and also said scientists must be critical and skeptical.
Counsel for the Conservation Coalition confirmed that the surveillance plan will only consider 3 viruses: ISAv, IHNv, and IPNv, but apparently not novel viruses.
When asked if testing would be guided by Canada’s Wild Salmon Policy and the use of conservation units for sockeye, Klotins and Stephen were not really aware of the WSP.
Counsel for the commercial fishermen referred to testimony from Dr. Miller that she had felt some level of intimidation after reporting her findings to Stephen, but Stephen said he did not believe there was intimidation.
Stephen also said he would have used the term “unconfirmed science” instead of the term “unfounded science” that was used in a December 2 media release by the federal fisheries minister.
Simon Jones confirmed no further testing was done for ISAv in Cultus sockeye after positive results were reported by Mollie Kibenge in 2004.
Klotins personally didn’t agree that CFIA was fighting a “propaganda war.”
A conference call of November 10 attended by CFIA, DFO, and other fisheries staff also included industry representatives from the seafood processing and aquaculture industries (Exhibit 2138).
Counsel for the Sto:lo and Cheam confirmed with Dr. Jones that he did not notify the Cultus Sockeye Recovery Team of the reports of ISAv in Cultus sockeye. Stephen Stephen confirmed the Sto:lo hadn’t been notified because government doesn’t report unconfirmed and presumptive results.

Witnesses – Infectious Salmon Anemia virus (ISAv):

Dr. Simon Jones – Research Scientist, DFO
Dr. Kim Klotins – Acting National Manager, Disease Control Contingency Planning, Aquatic Animal Health Division, CFIA, Ottawa
Dr. Stephen Stephen – Director Biotechnology and Aquatic Animal Health Sciences Branch, DFO, Ottawa
Dr. Peter Wright – National Manager, National Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory System, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Moncton
Here is the latest entry from Alex Mortons website -

Commerce vs Wild Salmon

The re-opening of the Cohen Inquiry on ISA virus provided an opportunity to see past the PR machine that protects salmon farms. The events around this virus have been moving so fast there has not been enough time to bury the evidence. Through strong questioning by the Commisson’s own lawyer, Brock Martland, and the lawyers for all the participants the coverup was laid bare. In addition, we could see the crux of the reason wild salmon are dying of politics. In the coming weeks I will provide detailed analysis, but here is the issue as I see it.

While we might think Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) provides protection of wild salmon, I did not find evidence of that in the thousands of emails and other documents I read over the course of the inquiry. And while you might think the Canadian Food Inspection Agency provides protection from animal diseases that is not exactly the case. The CFIA is unsuccessfully trying to walk a line between suppressing pathogens and at the same time trying to ensure commerce opportunities are maximized. And so we now have biological definitions of disease and legal definitions of disease in conflict with each other and this is not going to work.

Dr. Miller’s lab found evidence that salmon testing positive for the ISA flu virus are responding at a cellular level as if they have the flu. Using her powerful genomic profiling, her lab discovered that the characteristic flu-response pathways within cells were up-regulated. However, the legal definition of ISA virus requires a complete suite of different tests to all produce an artificially prescribed set of values. If those values don’t pop up voila we don’t have ISA virus and farm salmon grown in BC can continue to maxime premium values because they have a unique ISA-free certification.

I don’t know what country doesn’t want ISA virus contaminated salmon, but I am guessing its China. There have been over 150 positive tests for ISA virus, but the Canadian Food Inspection Agency has rationalized how each one is not a “positive” and they just call them negative! Neat trick, but it has been exposed.

Most serious in terms of the Commission, the federal government, so this means the DFO and the CFIA never revealed the 100% ISA positive tests in 64 Cultus lake sockeye. There was extensive testimony throughout the over one year of the inquiry. We heard about the Cultus Recovery team, we heard questioning whether this run was even worth trying to save because nothing seemed to help. I read 100% of them are dying in some years just before spawning and no one could figure out why. But the federal government did not inform the commission EVER that there was evidence of a very serious virus associated with salmon farms around the world in 100% of these sockeye. Even if the findings are flawed, this evidence should have some forward because Canada was asked to produce documents pertaining to the health of the Fraser sockeye.

We heard again and again that trade partners with the Norwegian salmon farming companies in BC were notified and kept informed about the ISA virus tests, but there was NEVER any mention of informing First Nations and other Canadians. Salmon farmers were in attendance at meetings on this virus, but not First Nations, commercial fishing organizations, NGOs or anyone else!

It was revealed that the FIRST response by the CFIA to the positive ISA virus tests in the Rivers Inlet sockeye was to go on a hunt to find anything they could discredit Dr. Kibenge’s lab with. Dr. Kibenge runs the international ISA virus reference lab at the Atlantic Veterinary College that has met the extremely high standards of the international OIE of, which Canada is a member nation. When DFO discovered Dr. Miller team had not only found ISA virus positives, but also evidence that the infected fish were fighting the flu they intimidated her. She is not afraid of losing her job, the fear she named was losing the thousands of samples going back decades, that she uses to figure out what is happening to wild salmon in BC. She is standing beside our fish.

While we were led to believe last summer that the salmon farmers were going to give Miller samples of Atlantic salmon for testing, we learned that never happened. Insidiously the salmon farmers offered to become her “partner” in her sockeye viral work!!! If she agreed, which would have meant lots of money for her, they said she could test Atlantic salmon at some later date. Miller said “no.” So many groups from environmental to salmon enhancement have been lured by this bait, but not Miller, she did not want the salmon farmers directing her research.

I am going to post much more on this mad hatters tea party, in the coming weeks. I found many on the stand loathsome as they stood by and let viruses enter the Pacific Ocean. They revealed they are at “war” against the truth, the prize being our minds. They are trying to fool us and we have indeed been fools.

My volunteer team and I are going to continue testing wild salmon for disease using the labs we decide to use. DFO confiscates all my samples from the labs I use, so I will see that as free-shipping to their labs as well. An email was flashed up on the screen where Kim Koltins of the CFIA suggested all labs in Canada be told not to test for ISA virus, my name also appeared in the brief email. When asked about this she said it had just been an "idea". This idea would have prevented Canadians from finding out for themselves about disease in wild salmon.

I never believed in the word “evil,” but anyone on earth today whose work helps viruses spread, mutate and reproduce should realize they are working in aid of powerfully irrevocable forces that cause suffering, death and ecosystem collapse. The world of commerce does not and will not exist without the biological world. Therefore the biology of disease has to come first. The CFIA can call positives, negative, they can redefine ISA virus so that it doesn’t exist on paper – but this effort threatens our world.

If we want wild salmon it is up to us. The BC and Canadian governments cannot be trusted with salmon farms, because they are addicted to commerce at the risk of all that is British Columbia. If you want to know if you have ISA virus in your salmon - contact me and I will help you.

Canadian media has decided largely not to report on these hearings so I suggest the brilliant writing by Damien Gillis and Ivan Doumenic
WOW! Sobering stuff! We need to support people like Alexandra and Dr. Kristi Miller more than ever.

We need to keep the pressure on the DFO and the Fed. Govt. to stop protecting the polluting, manipulating, disease spreading, corrupt fish farm industry that will destroy our wild salmon and marine ecosystem to make a profit! Us concerned citizens need to organize ourselves to fight this plague on our coast.
Thanks for sharing that.. quote "Canadian media has decided largely not to report on these hearings". This sure is true... Just did a quick browse of 3 of the larger newspapers in BC (Sun, Prov, Times Colo) and there was nothing. I wouldn't even know about this stuff if it wasn't for this forum :confused:
Hambone, couldn't agree more. The "No ISA in BC" headlines spread like wildfire when the CFIA and DFO wanted to get that out there but when probed a little further for the truth I haven't seen it (yet) in any major publications. I sure as hell hope that changes soon as this is massive news as far as BC is concerned.
It seems that the protectors of wild salmon and our natural world need a PR machine to combat the lies being spred by the salmon farming industry and apparently our own government.

I love my country but I fear my government.

When the people fear their government, that is tyranny. When government fears the people, that is democracy.
I just sent a note to CTV's W5 asking if they would be interested in doing an investigative report on this. We need to get the word out to more Canadians.
Done. Maybe someone in the media will run with this story and expose the corruption. I can hope so, anyway.
I love my country but I fear my government.

When the people fear their government, that is tyranny. When government fears the people, that is democracy.

Damn I like that, well said!
I wish I could take credit for that but it's not mine (probably Thomas Jefferson). Struck a cord with me however and I totally believe the sentiment.
I contacted the CBC's 'Fifth Estate' on this subject several months ago. They weren't interested. They'd rather wait till there's death & destruction or extinct fish to report on. If more of you contact them maybe they'll get their heads out of their asses.


Soap-opera producers would be all over this ****!
I think it would be good if someone in the know (Kristy Miller, Alex Morton, etc) could get on a show like George Stomboulopoulous (spelling?). He covers tons of hot button issues on his show and as mentioned by little hawk above, there is no shortage of newsworthy material related to wild fish in BC. I think it would be a really good fit and his show gets tons of exposure both in TV and online (twitter, facebook, his website, etc). Anyone have any connections to the CBC or have ideas on how to get this rolling? I facebooked him this morn but I don't know if that will accomplish much. Thoughts?
Good idea. Anything that can get this issue more in the public view is a good thing. Salmon may be a big deal to us folks on the coast but they don't mean much to the rest of the country while government lies and corruption ring bells for everybody.