CBC tonight at 9PM

The old guy... telling like it is...

[h=1]Prince Charles finds climate-change denial most unbecoming
[/h]Doubters of man-made global warming a 'headless chicken brigade,' Charles says

The Associated Press Posted: Jan 31, 2014 12:59 PM ET

Prince Charles has called people who deny human-made climate change a "headless chicken brigade" who are ignoring overwhelming scientific evidence. The heir to the British throne, a dedicated environmentalist, accused "powerful groups of deniers" of mounting "a barrage of sheer intimidation" against opponents.

He made the comments at a Buckingham Palace awards ceremony on Thursday. Charles said it was "baffling ... that in our modern world we have such blind trust in science and technology that we all accept what science tells us about everything — until, that is, it comes to climate science." He praised finalists for the Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Entrepreneur Prize for having "the far-sightedness and confidence in what they know is happening to ignore the headless chicken brigade and do something practical to help."
Dam,you pulled me back in. Prince Charles??? Your grasping at straws now. Who the fack listens to Prince Charles? He has even less credibility then Neil(pass the bong)Young.
Dam,you pulled me back in. Prince Charles??? Your grasping at straws now. Who the fack listens to Prince Charles? He has even less credibility then Neil(pass the bong)Young.

There you go again, attack the people because you have no creditable science to back up your view.

That's all you got..... weak
[h=1]A Change in the Legal Climate[/h]For years, the tiresome back-and-forth has played on like a broken record. Scientists announce new data showing that the global climate is warming, creating potentially devastating changes in the world. Skeptics attack, proclaiming the researchers are lying as part of a conspiracy to gin up research funding. The climatologists respond, calling the detractors anti-science deniers who push their claims at the behest of fossil-fuel companies that stand to lose the most if the research is accepted as fact. And round and round it goes, with no end in sight. That is, until maybe now, with the spinning potentially coming to a stop in the most unlikely of places - a Federal district court in Washington, D.C. There, a little-noticed lawsuit filed by one of the world's preeminent climatologists against a premiere conservative publication and a conservative think tank is moving forward, and both sides - absent dismissal or settlement - will have to put up or shut up.

The suit filed by Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, claims that the National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) libeled him in a pair of articles in which they stated he had manipulated climate data and that the fraud had been covered up by his employer, which said its investigation concluded he had done nothing wrong. To make the point, the CEI writer, Rand Simberg, drew a comparison between Penn State's handling of abuse allegations against Jerry Sandusky - the university's longtime assistant football coach convicted as a child molester - and its review of Mann's work.

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