Catch of the Day

No worries....... I put you back on the Northern hemisphere


you prefer full sink or full float with indicator with the chironomids?

In water deeper than about 25ft I will go full sink, anything less I will be using floating line and a long fluorocarbon leader. I personally prefer the indicator method, but I was fishing in 38-42 ft of water, and it is just not feasible with a super long leader.

Hey linebacker. A good trick is to tie a chironomid on your full sink line (like a type 6). Attach some forceps to your fly and let your line out until it touches bottom, reel up a turn or three of line. Then, strip in, remove the forceps and cast your line out. This will have you fishing on the bottom where the fish are.

This works great in deeper water.

Good luck.
Hey linebacker. A good trick is to tie a chironomid on your full sink line (like a type 6). Attach some forceps to your fly and let your line out until it touches bottom, reel up a turn or three of line. Then, strip in, remove the forceps and cast your line out. This will have you fishing on the bottom where the fish are.

This works great in deeper water.

Good luck.

Yeah for sure!, I use an egg sinker attached to surgical tubing (hook the fly in the surgical tubing and put it down). The principal is the same.

Yeah for sure!, I use an egg sinker attached to surgical tubing (hook the fly in the surgical tubing and put it down). The principal is the same.


I had a set of forceps that came off while doing this trick so I went to a small piece of rope with a small piece of lead too. Funny.

If there is movement and the boat swings it brings the line high up in the water column. I double anchor with 2 10lb pyramid anchors on scotty anchor locks. My boat is pretty light though, a little 10ft jon boat. You want to keep your chironomid down, because unless there is a hatch in progress there wont be any chironomids in that part of the water column. The feeding fish are searching for chironomids so there down deep. Fishing chironomids around this time of year is tough because the fish aren't moving around much. You really have to look for a hatch on the surface and fish were you believe the hatch is happening. Try to imitate the hatching chironomids, and use a throat pump to do this.

My experience is that double anchoring is paramount for success.

yes for sure, it is a must. Your anchor lines must be pretty taught as well in order for them to keep your boat still.

The stillest of boat will catch way more! I even notice with the breeze calms I get more strikes too.

Most of the fishing in the winter will be 30-45ft And in the spring ive gotten them on from the surface to 45 ft down.

Great job, beauty fish!!

If you are going to release a fish please keep it in the water next time. There's a good chance that fish will not make it as the ground and dirt has ruined the protective coating more commonly know as fish slime and it's immune system is now compromised.
That's was the plan but the hook was in deep. And I diddnt want a hook to beak off in its mouth. And a fish that size have a mind of its own.
Caught a 26 inch trout at lookout lake
It go to live another day. Can anyone guess the weight! I didn't have a scale.

It was one of the recently stocked broods, so maybe 5.5lbs? It looks really fat! Good job! We really like the pictures, so keep em coming,

Ya I hope they keep stocking fish this size. Lot more than the 10 inchers

For sure, there a ton of fun. Occasionally durrance lake gets a few fish in that size, but they are few and far between.
