BCAA What a waste of Money....

Captain PartyMarty

Crew Member
I need to blow off some steam, I am really questioning the usefulness of there service.

My truck is stuck in Williams lake with blown head gasket. They will not tow it unless I am physically there. So now I to drive 6 hours up there show them my member **** card and drive all the way back.

Bunch of useless A holes......
That's the way it works wherever you are.
I got towed from Duncan to Victoria once, you need to be with the vehicle
when it gets hooked up.
All that in in the contract you sign before handing over the yearly fee. The best part is that as long as you are with a vehicle they will tow it, you do not have to be the owner. That in itself is a great service.
All that in in the contract you sign before handing over the yearly fee. The best part is that as long as you are with a vehicle they will tow it, you do not have to be the owner. That in itself is a great service.

1990 Me and a buddy borrowed a piece of **** car from a guy. Thank god he had bcaa membership because i stopped for a leak on the side of the road and it wouldn’t start. Dead battery. Thing broke down on the side of the hiway near Elkhart lodge. Like on top of the connector between Merrit and Kelowna for those unfamiliar. I call him, He calls bcaa and about 1 1/2 later a couple stoners roll up in a bcaa truck. They make a giant production out of unrolling the jumper cables and plug them into the front of their truck, hook us up and jump us. Car starts no problem, they unhook and pack up and gone like a shot. I do the walk around to make sure everything’s packed up and imagine my surprise..., there stretched out on the ground was the 50’ jumper cables. Lol such a rush to get out of there they left about $200 worth of awesome cable laying on the ground. I threw them in the trunk thinking for sure buddy will get a call but you know? I think he still might have them.
Fwiw, I have never insured my truck(s) through BCAA but this year my optional insurance through Intact was like 35% higher than last year - for no reason that I know of. So I checked with BCAA and I got it for over $200 less than Intact. Jfyi.
our experience with BCAA is just great.
Car broke down on the way home from fishing out west a few years ago.
Not only towed the car to the garage, but the boat home.
BCAA covers the member and not the vehicle.

You could be broken down in a buddies truck and they would come help you.

Do you have a buddy with BCAA in the town your truck is broken down in?

Simple solution. Ask your buddy to call it in as they are stranded with your broken down truck.
I need to blow off some steam, I am really questioning the usefulness of there service.

My truck is stuck in Williams lake with blown head gasket. They will not tow it unless I am physically there. So now I to drive 6 hours up there show them my member **** card and drive all the way back.

Bunch of useless A holes......

Assume you won't be renewing your membership...
We got good sams club, they are awesome we got it for when we tow our 5 th wheel, they said they will get my truck anywhere haven’t tried it out yet. Look into it
Have been rather pleased with BCAA over the years. Many years ago I was hunting Moose in the Cariboo with some buddies and my little Suzuki 4x4 broke the timing belt. Luckily all it did was stop - not one of those motors that self destructs when the timing belt goes. One of my buddies had a premium membership so we called a repair shop in Quesnel and then BCAA on the radio telephone. They drove out and got it and towed it to the shop. Must have been close to a hundred miles and out off a forest service road back in the bush. Two days later we went in to town and picked it up. Now that is rather decent service and it was not even my membership. I have a membership now and used it twice in the past year and a half.
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I'm a member since 1999 RV Plus Premier.
Peace of mind
Plus I’m a mechanic, I want my vehicle towed home, not to the closest shop.
6 free tows 2 of them good for 320 km each.
I have a membership so I don't have to go give my wife a jump or break into her car to get the keys out. It's also just good road trip insurance in my opinion.
Sometimes I wonder. Wife has a BCAA membership for all the right reasons but it was pointed out to her in the Canadian Tire parking lot by a passing motorist that she was driving with a flat tire. I didn't answer my cell phone so she called BCAA who promptly showed up and let her know that CT has an Auto repair service 20' to her right. LOL.
thanks for this rant post. lol,just signed up the wife and I, pretty good value considering how many times per year we take the bam road.
Called again today, spoke with a much more cooperative and helpful Representative. Feeling much better about having to meet them in Cache Creek.
Now I just need to figure out how to fix the truck once its home.
Good luck!