Battery Booster


Active Member
image.jpeg Been some talk on another thread about drained batteries.

I bought one of these, small enough for the glove box and while I haven't had to use it yet, people have given reviews saying they have jumped larger cars/trucks with it so I can't see it not getting my outboard going in a pinch. Approx $100 for peace of mind is cheap.

Mine is a Car Rover 26000 mAh comes with lots of adapters for just about any device too.
Great to have for sure. We picked up a couple the size of a lunch box from Costco last year. Complete with jumper cables, accessory plugs etc. Just gotta make sure they're always plugged in getting a charge for when you need them cause they do lose their charge. Both are great to have but I like having the gas genny too in case the booster dies of charge.