Anyone have any leech patterns they want to share


Active Member

I recently started fly tying, and I am looking for some leech patterns to tie. Do you have any killer recipes you want to share?

Word on the street is somebody already shared a killer with ya ;)

That is the fun part of tying.. You can make what ever you like
ya, KK gave me some nice flies, I just dont know what materials were used. polar chenille, and leech mohair possibly? Im a newbie at this tying, so it could be anything.

Watch some videos on youtube.. That will help you with the technique.

Learning the materials is another big thing (with how you use them and how they react in water to give you your desired result)

ok, thanks

Can't go wrong with egg suckers, try red head and black body. For rivers I like to use a bead head, it helps it wiggle as it swings though the current, deadly. For fresh water try tying a balanced leach. Look into some of Phil Rowley and Brian Chan's stuff, thay have lots of info books, how too DVDs, great for boosting the learning curve. Dark carey special even works, and will be a great fly if caddis start poping. happy tying!
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The best advise I can give you, is that if you don't use a bead for the head, add a small amount of lead to the front of your fly. You will get better action that way. <- This is what you are trying to imitate. Tie, wet the fly, and see how good of a representation you can come up with. Notice how slow it moves though when its undisturbed, and how it kicks up a little mud when it does. This is why people say fish dead slow. Go as slow as you thought possible, and then half as slow as that. When the leech is scarred, it can swim as you see it do in the video. Mix up your retrieves to try to mimic this behavior. To be honest, I think the way you fish them is far more important then the pattern itself.
hey jesse B, thanks for the tip, I mainly fish egg suckers, and basic leech patterns, and they do pretty well, anyone now any good patterns using polar chenille ect. People fish patterns like that do well, it might look more natural??

For me, I like tying and using marabou leech patterns. Some with beads, some without. Black is my favorite.

I like the marabou to not extend past the shank of the hook as I find a I get a lot of short takes if it does.

I like the natural movement of the marabou in the water and feel it mimics real leeches best.

I agree with CVmike too, mix up the retrieve a bit.
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Stillwater fishing never really turned my crank for some unknown reason....I prefer to lay and mend on a nice piece of fresh OR brackish water where you know fish are moving up to take a look and to take a sniff of their home river.The best is within a klic or two from tidal when they are on the move.Heavy water ..and they streak by fast!My fav fly was the egg-n-eye #6 3x long bronze.Released..... and also bonked some chrome springs and chrome monster chums with that setup.Never used that 11.5 foot cane rod after those fish,hard to get them straight again LOL.