Anybody getting “forbidden action” messages on post?

Sea lyin’

Well-Known Member
My post on swimgrid braces won’t allow me to view it. Tried to post a picture In it and it wouldn’t let me. And now when I open it I just get the forbidden message. I’ve had it happen a few times the last couple weeks. First time for one of my own posts but it’s also happened when trying to view a few others posts
I went to reply here but it said forbidden post.

Kidding... Yes, but few and far between.
I have had it happen a few times. I reported it to Admin and they deleted it. They are unsure why it happens.
Hey guys...when we updated the forum software we thought this would put an end to this issue as we attributed it to our old platform not being supported enough by the provider. We are trying to determine why this has started to occur again and get it fixed. If you post a thread and see the Forbidden Access please let us know via PM and we will remove it. So far it seems that when members re-post the thread it appears to work.
