And some good news.

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Why is that you guys don't get it? This is why Alberta has an NDP government. You have to look 5-10 years from now and refine your own fuel. That is why I am not for the plan. Why would you create 2 years of temp jobs so that you make China rich? Look at the entire picture. Once those pipelines are in your workforce will shrunk down. I heard it all from engineers I used to work with there too. The companies are interested in shrinking manpower and speeding up profits. That pipeline is an initiative from China. And if you paid attention you would have noticed that China has been gobbling up oil sands developments to get this thing in quietly. Doesn't that bother you at all?

I am not against oil sands far from it. But we need to refine our own energy and quit giving it away like raw logs. Its totally like BC and you cant even find a sawmill here. BTW this post is brought to you by your conservative government don't vote for them. If you like raw exports where you make other governments rich like China vote for them. Why is it we can't make anything here?
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Here is another on that should **** everyone off. This is Harper's vision for Canada check out how much we own of our own resource. That is the big challenge the foreigners are driving the bus. Doesn't this make you ill?

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one bud .. Im not a harper fan either but are you seriously considering this guy ?
it is no surprise to anyone that the oilfields run by outside investment, there are Billions & Billions invested there...

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We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one bud .. Im not a harper fan either but are you seriously considering this guy ?
it is no surprise to anyone that the oilfields run by outside investment, there are Billions & Billions invested there...

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No I am not voting NDP. But I absolutely will not vote for harper.
And some good news..... yea right.. good luck with that one.
There are more then a few reasons that this will never happen.
But by all means invest your savings if you think it will happen.
For others here is why I think this will fail.

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney said on Tuesday that companies must be more open about their "climate change footprint" to avoid abrupt changes in asset prices that could destabilise markets.
The speed at which assets such as coal, oil and gas reserves are re-priced to reflect the impact of climate change is vital to reduce potentially "huge" financial risks to British insurers and other investors, he said.
"Risks to financial stability will be minimised if the transition begins early and follows a predictable path," Carney told a Lloyd's of London insurance market event.

Might be hard when they go to find money to get this project off the ground.
Yup a pipe dream up in smoke when they talk to the bankers.

Here is another reason I think this will fail.

ExxonMobil may face renewed legal challenges from plaintiffs claiming that it should have acted to address the risks of climate change, based on new evidence that its own researchers warned management about the emerging threat decades ago.
In an online petition drive, in public statements and behind the scenes, environmental advocates and their political allies are pressing federal and state authorities to launch investigations, subpoenas or prosecutions to pin down what Exxon knew and when. The oil giant's critics say Exxon might be held liable either for failing to disclose the risks to shareholders and financial regulators, or for manufacturing doubt to deceive people about the science of climate change.

Same thing happened to big tobacco, it's called RICO and they are serious.
We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one bud .. Im not a harper fan either but are you seriously considering this guy ?
it is no surprise to anyone that the oilfields run by outside investment, there are Billions & Billions invested there...

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I guess I see this country different we offshore everything resources and all our manufacturing jobs to make China a superpower. Now the same country wants to take away our jobs in Alberta. That's why I dont follow the pipeline news so much. Its frustrating... And under Harper's leadership it was accelerated.
Not sure who I'm voting for yet. Whoever is closest to beating the conservatives on Election Day will get my vote. Worst case we get a minority conservative govt. Lots of opposition against anymore of his hair brained schemes. Best case we get a totally different government that may be able to mitigate some of the damage done by the suit monkey in power now
jeffywestcoast, I'm not sure who I will vote for at the moment (other than it will not be the cons) but I have hard time squaring the meme above about the NDP guaranteed to run Canada into financial ruin. First off, they have yet to hold federal power so it's tough to say what will actually happen if and when they ever do. Second, when in power provincially, they have actually done quite a lot better in terms of balancing the books than either the Liberals or Cons.

Here's another article that just came out today to back that up -
You can search for others and will find the results are the same. I'm not saying that the NDP will immediately produce surplus's if elected but let's face it, the Cons have just come off MASSIVE decicits over the past 6 years and finally barely balanced their latest budget on the backs of massive cuts and a sell off of assets (GE stock, gov't property, etc). Can you honestly tell me that the Cons have done a good job with our federal coffers? 6 straight deficits with massive cuts to gov't spending (infrastructure, health, social, etc).

Cuts in spending don't necessarily mean fiscally astute. At the end of the day, people should be concerned about their overall happiness, health, wealth, etc. Countries in Scandinavia, for instance, spend a TON on gov't programs but they still manage balanced books with higher taxes and, guess what, they seem pretty damn happy according to all reports... happiest people in the world in fact. There are a lot of ways to run a country and I think the Cons have scared people into thinking that they are the only ones able to do it well, despite their record. Cuts, cuts and more cuts is short term thinking and we will all be paying for it soon enough as our infrastructure is degrading along with our healthcare systems, our environment, etc. Long term thinking is not common among politicians however and often not common in voters either. I hope we all start thinking a little more long term as we are leaving our kids quite the mess to deal with at the moment.

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one bud .. Im not a harper fan either but are you seriously considering this guy ?
it is no surprise to anyone that the oilfields run by outside investment, there are Billions & Billions invested there...

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