...actions speak volumes. [steelhead]

You cannot convince me that DFO will do anything for that system in regards to "fair" play. Take the Sockeye fishery for example. I have never seen so many skilled snaggers doing their thing than when jigging for Sockeye at either paper mill or stamp falls. It's disgusting and equally apparent during the run of Coho and Chinook.
The Department of Oceans and fisheries would be overwhelmed if targeting these issues on the SSS. Their mandate is to turn a blind eye. I am convinced.
Meanwhile anglers of all walks of life argue amongst themselves. WE continue to watch as our stocks decline and all we do is fill our pockets and serve our individual needs. It's time we all get on the same page if we are to save what we have.
saw a couple idiots in a new grey F350 at the H-Bomb chucking roe bags and still couldn't hook anything.
DFO is not in charge of the steelhead fishery, Its the province that deals with steels and they would be the ones to lay out fines in this matter. The DFO dont frequent the rivers unless there are salmon running. So if make sure you call the Provincial CO's to nab these boys. I agree though.. just send them for a swim!!
I couldnt agree more fog ducker but is violence the answer??Is it worth maybe getting stabbed??.No matter how tough you are there is always somebody tougher.
Some of this will be ranting.... however I think I may have a point too...
+REgarding whom ever you all are talking about over fishing, not recording on licence, gear banned... fishing after quata filled... interesting how several of you acknowledge seeing this but not one person has said " I called him in" some suggest calling some even give the number but no one is doing any thing.... DO SOMETHING. ANYTHING. DO DO DO ANYTHING If you ever came back to your truck and wondered what the hell happpen while you were away FISHING? that was me..... I dont call govt. workers "to get things done." I really dont care that ICBC covers it as vandalism... you know Im watching you.... and next time... you will be thinking of me.

topic shift
IN CANADA you can watch 10 people kick the **** out of one defenceless man whom beggs for help crys and screams and you ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE to save him.... call for help or do anything at all. YOu may walk away and sleep well knowing you did nothing and are expected to do nothing..... IN the USA you would be charged along with the people that did the beating. Just as guilty as the person that swung the bat. Pick up the phone and make one call and you are NOT guilty. Just like that. not an accompliss but a hero recuer.
ON THE FLIP SIDE.... If said individual was honest with DFO about how many fish he catches and kills they would feel that "their" $$$ were being spent well. Lots of fish killed and licences full seems to be a great thing as far as DFO goes. If you are a conservationalist and want to put the fish back well.... I guess you only need one fish. Catch it . RElease it... catch it again. If you kill 5 every time you go out then fisherys has to restock them so "their jobs" are needed that way...

Just my 5 cents worth... was 2 cents but inflation and all.
Agree Rock Hammer. A little more moral courage we could expect from each other if our fish really mean that much as we always say...In 99% some strong words will be sufficient if you show up with some buddies... If you are alone and have no cell then tell him that you know where his truck parks... I am sure that will do...
like the other guy says theres always somebody whos tougher!if your alone and no cell!dont say anything.get a licence# and make a call.i said my 2 cents 2 a guy using bugs in a bait ban area when i was alone,i thought he was alone 5 min. later i thought i was gonna get a beat down.and i still see them around.
back to the point.these "so called fisherman"need to amongst them selfs,start playing by the rules like everyone else.and you know who you are.but if your in a group or with some friends!say something,get your point across.let them know were not pissing around anymore.and if its a bad enough of an offence,take that licence# and make that call.violence is the last thing we need on our streams.
HA I guess the culprit is going to buy a different pair of color boots.:D
Saw a CO truck parked at Falls Pool last Tuesday when I drove by, anyone else happen to see this? Was he checking licenses? Can't say I've EVER seen a CO on the Stamp...
I've gone and asked the CO's what we need to do as fisherman to help catch them. A picture tells a lot. take a picture of them fishing and then one of thier plates when they are getting into the vechicle. They all know of the stamp and the problems its like big chrome said they are in charge of every animal problem. Think about how many times a city slicker calls in with animal problems.