A bit of good Salmon News


Crew Member
Over a decade ago December salmon still thronged a small creek at the back of my gal's farm as they had for generations. Twelve years ago the last vestige run became entirely extinct. For every BC dedicated person out there who released a fish, worked on a stream, donated a few dollars, lobbied a government, practiced some self restraint buying crap they don't need ... I say thanks. While out for a walk 2 weeks ago along this same creek the salmon were back not in throngs but at least a dozen in just one stretch of the creek. I managed to get a bit of footage which you can see here on a video from my youtube channel.
That is some great news in a year full of really bad news!
P.S. Also back ....eagles, bears with cubs, raven, kingfisher, river otter (bad asses), and unbelievably cutthroat trout scavenging for eggs I assume the cutties not native to the stream but from the Stamp River.

"Salmon gain a lot of their mass while in the ocean. When they come back to their spawning grounds in thousands of numbers, they bring millions of pounds of nutrients from the ocean to the river ecosystem. Simply put, the salmon migration during spawning season helps replenish the entire ecosystem, from the animals that eat the salmon, to the decomposers who break down their dead bodies, to the trees that grow from their broken down nutrients. They are the backbone of BC's coastal ecosystems" Science Journal