A Bit More Rocket Science - By Bob Hooton


Well-Known Member
Taken from blog:

    • Bob Hooton
      December 20, 2021 at 4:40 pm
      Governments have never had the guts to stand up and tell it like it is with respect to food, social and ceremonial fisheries prosecuted by gill nets. You’re almost certain to see a big push to “study” the prospects for a hatchery solution for (IFS) Thompson/Chilcotin steelhead and you’re equally likely to see the status quo prevail while all of that transpires. Just look to this years’ IFS returns and how much gill net fishing occurred on top of the critically low number of steelhead AND the worst chum run to lower Fraser tributaries in modern history. If that isn’t evidence of what lies ahead, what is? Any takers on a bet that FNs will be handed over steelhead culture duties as another reconciliation concession?
  • df5cde6cc7f0cf71e0da3b2bce5d3a52
    Jeff Taylor
    December 20, 2021 at 5:07 pm
    It is not a bet, Bob. It is a reality!!!!
    Fish, wildlife, natural resources is Reconciliation?????