2024-25 DFO proposal and survey on salmon measures

Let's hope they care but they do prop up this Gov. If they don't help maybe vancouver island residents will quit voting NDP , Liberal or Green.
I filled it out and honestly think everyone and their kids and dogs and friends need to to support openings. They should just have a rule keep 700m away from whales, everyone. Makes it easy. Coast wide. Then a limit the time whale watchers can stay there.

🎯 This^^^was my exact response to the last question of survey

just go fishing, get our sustenance fish and go home.
Not complaining ! Trying to get the information out there and get people involved. Check out the article and link. And the other groups involved.
Maybe you could help.
Appreciate that you are getting the word out, thank you.

I contribute my time and $ to hunting,fishing and political causes. That’s how I help.

Check out this article and link to survey If these proposed closures go through, it would devastate the town of Port Renfrew and wipe out the Recreational Fishing Community Please share and post everywhere

More information on these sites


This whole process we are dragged into each year is like a giant game of whack a mole...sanctuary proposals popping up everywhere the whales swim from one year to the next. There is no consideration for achieving any sort of balance that respects small coastal communities, their social and economic well-being. These proposals in Area 20-3 to 21-0 that close the shoreline are a tragic mis-calculation by DFO - the fishery there will be killed without a shoreline fishery corridor that is so critical for the survival of the recreational fishery and communities like Port Renfrew. Mean spirited and tragic death by a thousand cuts, chipping away each year to claw back a little more here and there so there isn't a huge uproar.

This is all being pushed by the ENGO's who care only about what serves their business model so they can create yet another pretty map to drum up more research money and funding. There is a reason why the folks south of us in the US haven't followed suit implementing massive fishery closures and creating sanctuaries. Think about it.

And on the topic of prey availability and recreational fishing competing with whales for prey....hasn't anyone been paying attention - most of the east coast VI and west coast VI hatchery rivers are forecasting abundant returns for 2024, and 2023 was an epic year. Stamp had close to 200,000. And we are starting to get data on escapement to Interior rivers. Summer 4/1 was 623,000 escapement, Harrison was 143,000 against an escapement target of 85,000. Cowichan - 3x escapement target....one river after another with record returns and positive forecasts.

The Chinook crisis does affect a lot of the Stream-type Chinook - but many of the Ocean-type returns are abundant creating lots of Chinook prey for whales. So how is there a Chinook crisis that creates the emergency lack of food for SRKW? We are being fed a line of BS by the whale researchers. Who benefits when there is all this crisis talk?

I guess as long as we can post up a bunch of new mapswith more closures that gives a pretty media post that big things are happening to save the whales - weird when there has been no science to evaluate if these sanctuary measures are even bringing a recovery benefit for whales.

Look at the maps. They telall. All their dirty work is being done where the fewest voices will be heard. Another step in the Liberal agenda to achieve their goal to protect 30% of da's land and sea areas, green wash the pipeline expansions by appearing to protect killer whales and chinook stocks, and at the same time scori political points with the ignorant publicSomeone has to lose something somewhere, so we see the chipping away of the fringes
A shout out for posting up the SFAB info they shared with local SFAC groups. Took the survey, its 10-15 minutes max, and well worth taking the time to have your input. The whole approach to SRKW still is a head scratcher as to why the CA vs WA recovery strategy is so different? Why can't robust avoidance bubbles they implemented in WA State work as effectively as some fixed sanctuary measure?
DFO does get direction to move on policies from the Gov of the day. Examples are increasing protected areas , reconciliation, etc.
Exactly...look further up the food chain. I don't know of too many organizations where the troops make the policy related business decisions - DFO is no different. Politics of idealism at play.
The good ship DFO sails along doing its thing. My impression from watching DFO policies over the years is the different governments change DFO's course by a few degrees in either direction but that is about it. Don't hold your breath waiting for significant changes if the conservatives manage to oust Trudeau.
The good ship DFO sails along doing its thing. My impression from watching DFO policies over the years is the different governments change DFO's course by a few degrees in either direction but that is about it. Don't hold your breath waiting for significant changes if the conservatives manage to oust Trudeau.
I couldn't agree more, just look at DFO over multiple Liberal, PC and Conservative governments. When was the last time we had a fisheries Minister who made tough decisions based on sound science and conservation? How much of the Mifflin plan was implemented by multiple governments since its release?
Whats your choice than. Who wants to try the libs again ? .......... not me
Trudeau has worn out his welcome just like Harper did before him. The time for a change is inevitable. For the vast majority of people, what DFO does or doesn't do has zero impact in their life. Expecting a new govt to make major changes to DFO is unrealistic and highly unlikely. Any politician that says they are moving in that direction is simply blowing smoke up your arse in an effort to get your vote IMO.
At this point if we got a msf for two extra weeks it would be a major change. Something I think is well with reason.

I don’t think anyone is expecting huge systematic changes.

Question 1: Do you have comments or feedback regarding the proposed salmon fishing closure (identified in blue) near the Mouth of the Fraser River?​

The time and area closure for Chinook salmon at the mouth of the Fraser River is inadequate for both endangered Chinook and killer whales. The Chinook closure should begin in March to protect endangered spring stream type Chinook. The closure should also protect priority feeding areas for SRKW in August to October. As such the closed areas should be expanded south and west to capture a higher proportion of SRKW important use areas, including all of area 29-6, and expansion of areas 29-4 and 29-3.

Question 2: Do you have comments or considerations regarding the proposed salmon fishing closures (identified in blue in the map above) in the southern Gulf Islands?​

There is strong evidence that SRKWs use the Gulf Islands and nearby areas in the Strait of Georgia in the winter and early spring. The start date of fishing closures should reflect this presence. Closures should be based on the first presence of SRKW after March 1. June is too late in the season to begin threat reduction measures given SRKWs can be present long before this.

Question 3: Do you have comments or considerations regarding the proposed Interim Sanctuary Zones (ISZs; identified in red in the map above) in the southern Gulf Islands?​

SRKWs use the Gulf Islands and nearby areas all year, not just summer. The start date of sanctuaries should reflect this and be based on the first presence of SRKW after March 1. June is too late to begin threat reduction measures. ISZ boundaries must also be enforced; they are ignored because there are no consequences for violating them. Increased surveillance of vessels not equipped with AIS is also required. These vessels outnumber AIS-equipped vessels 8-10 to 1.

Question 4: Do you have comments or considerations regarding a proposed voluntary Speed Restricted Zone (identified in green stripes in the map above) in the southern Gulf Islands, new for 2024?​

We support implementing this slowdown. However, it is critically important that the slow down area be well advertised and that it be monitored during the season to determine compliance and effectiveness. We also ask that the voluntary speed reduction zone be put in place in the early spring, starting at the same time recommended for the Interim Sanctuary Zones.

Question 5: Do you have comments or considerations regarding the proposed salmon fishing closure(s) (identified in blue in maps above) in the Juan de Fuca Strait?​

Option B provides more protection for important use areas for SRKW. However, more SRKW foraging areas, especially along the shoreline near Sooke, should also be considered for fishing closures. As such, the Juan de Fuca closures in Option B should be expanded to include more areas of high use feeding.