2003 honda 50 - fair price?


Well-Known Member
Might be buying a friends motor. 2003 - 50 horse. Carbed 4 stroke. What would a fair price be?
We those motors on our lodge boats, we used to get $1500 with 3000 hours on them. We would switch h out 2 every year
Might be buying a friends motor. 2003 - 50 horse. Carbed 4 stroke. What would a fair price be?
If it were my motor to sell, I would be happy to get $500 for it
If he is a good friend, he might give it you for less. or free.
Never good to sell a 20 year old motor to a friend as chances are there will be issues.
Nods. It needs work for sure... not something I'd go out to buy.... but if it's cheap/free.. might build a boat around it.
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I have a BF20 that’s a 2004. Ina marine offered 400 for a trade in but said I could sell it for 1000 in a private sale.