1996 Suzuki - DF 9.9 , four Stroke for sale


Well-Known Member
Can be yours for $1,000 - SOLD

Won a new Yami , so gotta sell my Suzuki 1996 9.9 4 stroke ,long shaft electric start outboard engine .... has never failed me on the west coast and have used it regularly , very reliable !
It has a stainless steel prop guard on it which is not included in the price but I will sell for $200 (customized for engine) Also comes with 2 props.
Message me if you are interested (does not have power trim but is electric start !)

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Did you win the Yammi at the Firemans Derby Clint? Sweet prize...

Ya, trading up for a 9.9 high trust so need to sell my kicker .... Just posted and got a guy from the Island interested so looks like I should have asked more lol but I am open for a purchase war lol.

Ya the Firefighters from North Vancouver have a great annual derby and really do a great job and raise proceeds from it for the CHILDREN ... FANTASTIC !