2018 Port Renfrew Reports

Fished Renfrew Thursday and Friday, Thursday was a bust, released several small Springs and bonked one bleeder at 5lbs. Saw one other fish netted.
Friday was quite a bit different, out at 5:30 and nothing until 8am, then crazy for an hour or so. Lost a screemer, boated two around 20 and then out and added two Sockeye.

Bit of a lump both days, no wind.

What is the legallity of dipping Sockeye from the DFO siene purse? Saw several charter boats do this and then share the results amoung several boats.

That sounds like a violation of the seiners contract, and a theft from the government. I may be wrong, but I think the test seiners get a flat daily rate and the government owns those fish.
If any of you guys are around on the weekend of Sept 15th, my 3 brothers and I are going to be staying at PGM. On the Saturday night we're going to host an Open Mic Jam at Bridgeman's at the marina. I think a few of you may have been around a few years back when we did this in front of the fire pit by the food truck. At least one of you will know the spontaneous song written about the "Head Girl at the Dairy Queen".
Beautiful weather for the derby this weekend!! Flat calm and sunny almost all weekend. Fishing was decent, our boat landed 5 and lost at least another 5, nothing big though. Winner was 29 lbs, 2 fish also weighed in at 27 lbs. As usual it was an awesome time put on by a great group of people and it looked like everybody had a lot of fun.
Headed up to Renfrew to fish this week. What hot lures, should I have in my tackle box. Where and how deep?

Thanks & Tight lines!
Chovies in UV and glow teaser teaser heads, along the beach in 40-100 feet of water. If youd rather fish gear, I like AP spoons but the gibbs stuff will work too. There should be a few big fish swimming by there in the next week or two. Good luck!
You guys are a fun bunch, IT WAS A JOKE :D, but i must admit i got quite a few good bites and never put a line in the water :p. I do remember though quite a few years ago that there was a motion to only allow moochers at the nitnat bar which didn't go to far, oh and you don't want to fish with the Jackel he is a grumpy ole prick ;)

Yes he is! Heard him in action back in July out at camper with Alberta Doug! Lol. I made sure to stay about 3 football fields away for the rest of the day. Lol.
Another great season for us. Lots of springs, sockeye and coho. And of course my largest fish ever, 50 lb halibut. We were also lucky enough to see some great whale shows. Already looking forward to next year. Would love to get out with the Jackel next season and talk fishing and baseball!
Another great season for us. Lots of springs, sockeye and coho. And of course my largest fish ever, 50 lb halibut. We were also lucky enough to see some great whale shows. Already looking forward to next year. Would love to get out with the Jackel next season and talk fishing and baseball!

Lol GO Yankees GO, was a real fun day with Doug, he has given my boat a bad rap now :D
Yes GOOOOO YANKEES. Hope Judge is back soon. Do you mean Doug was doing all that yelling, lol.
No he was the one who cut the guys line and threw his gear in the water, i still cant stop laughing about it
Thanks guys, do you know if any tackle shops in Duncan are selling them? I'm located in Nanaimo.