Rum Dumb's "Captain Morgan's smoked salmon" (first test run)


(Revised it a little bit.)
The Brine(dry).
3 cups Cane Browns sugar
1 cups Course/Pickling salt (I used Mediterranean sea salt)
10-12 Cloves of fine chopped garlic

Glaze mix
1/4 cup Rum (just enough to devolve the maple sugar)
1/2 cup maple sugar (I think its from Costco)

Mix the salt, sugar and finely chopped garlic together. In a plastic or glass container large enough to hold the salmon. Put a layer of salmon down on this, skin side up. Cover the salmon with brine mixture. If you need a second layer of salmon, make sure the layer of salt and sugar between them is thick enough so that the pieces of salmon are not touching. This will eventually turn in to a liquid. You can brine over night or 10-16hr is what i have done.
Next remove the salmon from the brine, and rinse the fish under cold water. Pat dry with a paper towel and set the salmon on a drying rack (I just use the Bradley racks) skin side down in the fridge, uncovered for at least 6hr. This will form a pellicle on the salmon, which helps it smoke properly so i been told!

The Smoker.
Set smoker temp to 150-160 Deg
Spray smoker racks with non-stick cooking spray!!!
Place salmon on racks, keeping the same thickness of pieces together
Place thicker cuts on lowest rack in smoker
Smoke for 4 hours (with Bradley smoker I use special or pacific blend biscuits/pucks).
Total time is smoker is 8 HRS with the first 4 HRS being smoked.
Glaze/baste fish with mix once smoke stop's and at 6hr mark.

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Just a couple of suggestions if I may. You might consider air drying rather then putting them in the fridge as I'm sure it would help you better form the pelicle which is quite important. Also you have to leave a little space around each piece to allow it to dry and except the smoke flavoring. I apoligize for these critisism's, just trying to help. Your recipe sounds awesome! Good Luck.;) eman
well I think ill try a lower temp like spring fever said, or less cook time(I edited what ill be trying next on the recipe above) . they are just on the edge of being over cooked, for me anyway every one here so fare loves it and said not to change a thing...
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The rum is a great idea, maybe baste it on the fish directly an hour or so before you take it out, mix it with some honey so it sticks to the fish. Looks good send some my way.
just received it as a birthday gift a couple days ago from the wife. came in go use for all this fish we pick up in nootka sound last week. im thinking the game saver editions of the food saver line seem to be a nicer/tougher build...
Well had a few different groups of people try the first run on this, and all are very happy.
Things Im looking at trying for the next run well be the rum and maple syrup glaze on the last few hours prior to taking it out. I will also be leaving it a little long in the brine (8-9 HRS). The Most important will be bumping up the rum to a full cup or more.
Note: every time I make a change I will be updating the original recipe post.
I did this same brine minus the glaze a few days ago , also added some garlic pow and black pepper , brined for 24 and 16 hours in case of to much salt . I only smoked for 4-4.5 hrs and it came out the best salmon I've ever made for not being to dry or to moist just perfect.