South Island bass Fishing - Pointers


New Member
Hi All, I have gotten into bass fishing pretty heavily over the last year and a bit. Really enjoy it but have been struggling to get bites let alone fish. Only been bank fishing due to budget constraints. I was wondering if any of you have pointers for a beginner that would allow me to get some more fish to the shore.
Seems this time of year just plopping a simple "wacky rig" just beyond the bushes will get lots of hits. Anywhere there is a couple of feet of water or more and you can sneak your rod out. Just before dusk seems best. Don't waist too much time in one spot.
Thanks a ton, that makes loads of sense. I think I’ve been trying to switch up my baits too much instead of figuring out one and then going from there. I’ll stick to the wacky rig and work on finding some spots. Really appreciate the help.
Oh man, during my young preteen and teen years I used to fish bass at my aunt's which is on a private access lake near Victoria. This was all about 35 years ago now so I don't know how it's changed since then. Mostly during summer months and I was mostly in a canoe. I just used a spoon or MEPs style spinner as that's all I had, usually evenings after dinner right up to sunset. If I could cast perfectly close to or just on the lily pads and not snag I could damn near get a hit every cast. They would drag me around in the canoe and it was entertaining as hell. I certainly didn't know what I was doing and don't know much more now but it's always going to be a fond memory.