A New Pack Member

One of Ila's several puppyhood activities that is still with her is downright entertaining to watch!

She garbs a pine cone, rolls over on her back to play with it.


Then she launches it 6 to 8 feet into the air.


Stays on her back to catch it.


Then rinse and repeat.


Somewhat amazing to witness!

"Don't worry, I've been wrestling wolves since you were at your mother's teet" by grounds keeper Willie. One of my favorite Simpsons scenes!

My dog doesn't chew faster, she just swallows whatever she's got. Not always a good thing unfortunately.
Ila found one of her original toys (small red tennis ball) and was playing with it all of yesterday.
In the eve, she once again chose to try and fit on her puppy bed:


Almost! LOL!
Interesting encounter the other day...

As per usual I was solo walking both Kimmiq & Ila.
From out of nowhere a somewhat large Siamese Tomcat launched and began to furiously attack Ila's nose - working towards her eyes.
Ila had never been attacked by anything, and was confused and stunned by this.
It took but a second for her ears to lay back, hair come up, and went into Battle Mode.
Too late!
Kimmiq had whirled around, and grabbed the cat just behind the shoulders.
Thought she was going to cut it in half... but nope.
She flung that critter 3 feet or better into the air where upon it landed better than 6 feet away. Not on it's feet.
But it quickly recovered, arched it's back and literally growled at the now overly incensed dogs!

Everything I could do to drag them away.
Two days since, the cat now runs and hides upon our approach.

He got damned Lucky!

Another interesting moment from yesterday...

Yesterday was rather hot here in Port.
I decided to take my Lady's ride down to the booze shop rather than my own rig.
She has a large, blue eyed stuffed dog toy that she sits on her console.
It is damn near as beg as our real dogs.

Went into said shop, paid and came out to see an older couple and a kid being all frantic at the side of my Lady's ride?
What the hell is the matter with you the woman screeched.
You going to kill him, for KeRist's sake, he's not moving already yelled her man.

I did not say a single word.
Simply opened the door, and yarded the toy out by one ear.
Dangled it in front of them and suggested they find something else to become offended over today.
All beet red, they rapidly departed.

Idjuts. Surrounded by them at times it seems!