Stamp Report


reel addiction

The Stamp looks like Beachy Head on Derby Day!!! What the hell!7 jet boats, zodiacs, and a row boat in the lower and 6 drifters going down from the hatchery! Wall to wall guys fishing from shore at the gun club!

As for Roe bags go ahead and bonk clipped fish thats why they are their!

The hatchery put 600 steelies back at the bottom this year just to let them go back up fo the fisherman! I did my part catching stock for the hatchery this week end and i do enjoy having 20 fish days when most people dont catch 20 a season! Support the programs boys so we have great fishing into our old age and for the up and coming steelhead kids!!!

"There is no Head like Steelhead"
Yep it's the same every year at this problem at all lots of water and luckily lots of fish this year!!!At least these guys get out and fish instead of bithing on here!!