Sockeye - Alberni Inlet - Portions of Subarea 23-1 - Daily Limit Change - Effective Immediately


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FN0651-RECREATIONAL Salmon - Sockeye - Alberni Inlet - Portions of Subarea 23-1 - Daily Limit Change - Effective Immediately

Fishery Notice - Fisheries and Oceans Canada

Subject: FN0651-RECREATIONAL Salmon - Sockeye - Alberni Inlet - Portions of Subarea 23-1 - Daily Limit Change - Effective Immediately

Effective immediately until further notice the daily limit for Sockeye Salmon will be four (4) per day in the following area:
That portion of Subarea 23-1 north of a line drawn from the Lone Tree Point navigational light westerly to a point on the opposite
shore located at 49 degrees 11.044 minutes north and 124 degrees 49.552 minutes west, and south of a line in Port Alberni Harbour
beginning on the western shore of upper Alberni Harbour at 49 degrees 14.190 minutes north and 124 degrees 50.230 west then through
the southernmost point of Hoik Island, then to the flashing green light at the mouth of the Somass River, then due east to a boundary
sign on the opposite shore (Lone Tree Point to the mouth of the Somass River).

This change means that the daily limit for Sockeye Salmon is 4 per day in most of Area 23 except for the tidal portions of the Somass
River which as outlined below remain at 2 per day, Rockfish Conservation Areas, and areas under a finfish closure.

Anglers are reminded that between 05:00 hours to 22:00 hours until July 23, 2022 the daily quota for sockeye salmon remains at two (2)
per day in the following area:
The tidal portion of the Somass River, described as that portion of Subarea 23-1 from the tidal boundary signs at Paper Mill Dam
on the Somass River, downstream to a line commencing in upper Alberni Harbour at 49 degrees 14.19 north latitude and
124 degrees 50.23 west longitude, then through the southernmost point of Hoik Island, then to the flashing green light at the
mouth of the Somass River, then due east to a boundary sign on the opposite shore.

The area known as Paper Mill Dam Pool remains closed to angling for all finfish. It includes that portion of 23-1 in the Somass River
from signs located near the bottom of the rapids immediately north of Paper Mill Dam Pool, then downstream to tidal boundary signs
located on both sides of the Somass River, approximately 60 metres downstream from the northern tip of the unnamed island directly
below Paper Mill Dam Pool.

Rockfish Conservation Areas; and Finfish closures remain in effect.

Variation Order # 2022-RFQ-275 in effect.

On June 23, 2022 DFO staff met with the Area 23 Harvest Committee to discuss fishery planning for Area 23 Somass Sockeye.
The attendees at these meeting included representatives from the Maa-nulth, Tseshaht, and Hupacasath First Nations, and stakeholders
from the commercial gillnet and seine fishery, and the Alberni Valley Sport Fishing Advisory Committee. The Somass Sockeye run size
has been upgraded to 550,000, and additional fishing opportunities will be available for all sectors.

The Somass Sockeye in-season stock assessment program will be in place in 2022. This program collects escapement, test fishing,
catch and environmental information on a weekly basis. This information is collected and a reforecast will be made weekly every
Thursday for the duration of the season.


Barbless hooks are required when fishing for salmon in tidal and non-tidal waters of British Columbia.

The term "marked", "hatchery marked", or "adipose fin clipped" means a fish that has a healed scar in place of the adipose fin.

Fishers are encouraged to participate in the Salmon Sport Head Recovery program by labeling and submitting heads from hatchery marked
Chinook and Coho Salmon to head depots. New 2022 condition of license for Chinook and Coho head-off length equivalents support
participation. The head-off measurement can be used by enforcement officers to assess compliance on size limits if you remove the head from Chinook or Coho. Recovery of microscopic coded-wire tags found inside hatchery marked Chinook and Coho heads provide
critical information for coast-wide stock assessment. Contact the Salmon Sport Head Recovery Program toll free at 1-866-483-9994
for further information

All anglers must have a licence to fish in tidal waters in BC. Apply for your BC tidal waters recreational fishing licence and salmon
conservation stamp at

If you see a sea turtle, please call this toll-free phone number: 1-866-I SAW ONE (1-866-472-9663). Please include information such
as the type of sea turtle seen (i.e. leatherback), the location and time of sighting.

If a marine mammal becomes entangled in fishing gear, fishers should immediately call the Observe, Record, Report (ORR) line at
1-800-465-4336. Fishers are advised not to attempt to free the animal of the fishing gear as this can pose a serious threat to the
safety of the fisher and the animal. If your vessel strikes a whale, or if you observe a sick, injured, distressed, or dead
marine mammal in B.C. waters, please contact the hotline immediately: 1-800-465-4336 or VHF Channel 16.

Fishers are encouraged to stop fishing (do not haul gear) within 1,000 metres of killer whales and let them pass.
For more information on the best ways to help whales while on the water, when on both sides of the border, please visit:

Consult the online BC Sport Fish Guide at for the latest closures, regulations,
and restrictions.

Report suspicious activity or violations by email at or by calling the 24-hour, toll-free Observe,
Record, and Report line at 1-800-465-4336 or 604-607-4186 in greater Vancouver.

The 24-hour, toll-free information line for fishery notices regarding openings and closures is 1-866-431-3474 or 604-666-2828 in
greater Vancouver.


Please contact Christie Morrison by emailing or calling 240-720-4440.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada Operations Center - FN0651
Visit us on the Web at
Subject: FN0652-RECREATIONAL Salmon - Sockeye - Region 1- Somass River - Daily Limit Change - Effective Immediately

Effective immediately until further notice the daily limit for Sockeye Salmon will be two(2) per day in the following area:

That portion of the Somass River located approximately 200 meters above and 150 metres below the island near the boat launch at Somass Park near Service Road.

Variation Order # 2022-RFQ-274 in effect.

The Somass Sockeye in-season stock assessment program will be in place in 2022. This program collects escapement, test fishing, catch and environmental information on a weekly basis. This information is collected and a reforecast will be made weekly every Thursday for the duration of the season.
Anyone have any fishing reports for sockeye there? When is the commercial opening? After they come it is all but done for the public fishery :(
Cousin was out this morning and got 5 but said it was tough going trying to dodge all the gillnetters. said it got silly at one point getting boxed in by a couple of them setting their nets out. Heading that way in a couple hours, hope there is still some left.
DFO jerked the gillnetters around yet again. They should be fishing on the outside still until July 1 but another one of the flunky managers decided to push them inside. So 112 boats are inside where they don’t want to be. Logic of course is to protect the Henderson Lake fish but there will be others fishing them anyways. Makes it hard on us as sports fisherman.
Lots so fish already upstream past the cams and looks like lots of TAC left to catch. Seems like clean up net fishery will be fishing for awhile.

recreational fishery not catching much think I seen they have only cought so far 5k of their 50k tac.

run looks like it was updated again to 600k and could be more.
Fished from 5:30-10 and had 1 hit and that was it. Not as many boats as i thought being a long weekend. Never saw a fish caught and the creel lady at China Creek said only 1 fish came in so far. Pretty sad they open it up to the commercials before the long weekend, would of been nice if they could of waited till Monday. Anyway out tomorrow for another shot at them.