Say Goodbye to Renfrew as we know it

I heard from someone involed with this there is going to be a new marina and a huge rock breakwater so the westerly wont hit it and the marina will hold min 200 boats.

Also word of an American based fishing Lodge with there own guide fleet! Good to see more presure on those lil chickens[V]
i have heard about the enlarging of the breakwater for a little while now, i believe they have some mining claims as well for a rock quarry, or have access to a rock quarry out there to build it, renfrew will never be the same that is for sure alot of good things will happen out there but it wont be the last bit of wild west anymore, had some crazy times out there for sure yee haw
Interesting news. I feel that Port Renfrew is in desperate need of a marina and a gas station. Infrustructure would be great but it needs to be done right. Any thoughts?
I may be wrong, but what I got out of the article was that it will be decades before any substantial development is done. The spokesperson for the purchaser (s) seemed to say that marina development, breakwaters and infastructure were all possible but nothing specific had been put into motion as yet. I also understand that this is the same group who are involved with the Bamberton proposal and look how long that has been going on. I may be still fishing 2 decades from now, but probably not 3 decades from now. It all makes for interesting campfire speculation at this point.
Well I figure it won't be that quick a deal. I am going out next weekend so will look around for any marking of lots etc. I am looking forward to getting out there and eventually getting to do some fishing.
Just checked out their website and there really isnt a plan set in stone for the site. I would rather have it be a slow process with community input than a long quick process without any community input. I'm very glad they are taking the slow approach and I hope they do it right. It would be great to have a place to put my boat besides on a trailor. A marina would be great!