salmon beach


Active Member
The website for Salmon Beach caught my attention. I wouldnt' mind some recreational property on the westcoast for use years later. Wouldnt' mind somebody with time up there to chime in, im interested in the area for fishability, access, exposure to the weather. This is located on the shores of Barkley Sound approximately half way between Ucluelet and Toquart Bay.
Nice spot with good fishing in the area.
It is located about 30Kms. from the main highway along a logging road, the drive in is not to bad. The worst part is at the beginning, where you have to go up a grade that is usually churned up, after that, you bump your way into Salmon Beach.

If you want the best of the halibut and salmon fishing you should go offshore abot 27 mls. Advisable to buy yourself a fairly good boat complete with GPS and radar, (the fog is notorious).If you are happy with cod etc., the fishing is pretty good, close to home, there is also a run of coho who show up late August early September.

Now for the downside, you can't leave your boat in the water at the launching ramp. There is no place to tie up. You have to take your boat out of the water every time you come back in. Having said that there is a new marina at Touquart Bay about a 30 mn. drive from Salmon Beach.

There are no serviced lots, no water, plumbing or electricity. You provide your own, my buddy installed a septic tank, takes his drinking water in with him, collects rain water for the dishes and cleaning fish etc., he also uses solar panels for his electricity. His appliances are propane, so he is pretty much set up.

This info is a couple of years old, last time I was there they were building new homes probably with all the mod cons installed.

Back to the good stuff, this is one of the nicest spots on the West Coast.

What stopped me from buying is that I am a city boy and I hate mosquitoes.

There are lots of guys on this board that can give you a heads up on the fishing in this area.

The past few years fishing on the Inside hasn't been all that great until quite late in the season and even then....[|)]

If it's just fishing you want it for talk to someone who owns and fishes there first.
I own a cabin in julia passage (which is over by swale rock) and run my guideing operation out of bamfield. Salmon beach is ok I guess because as far as property goes that is it. The problem is that you cannot moore your boat. I see a lot of the salmon beach people at the toquart boat ramp. Really though if that was my only choice, I would do it. The sound is worth it. Conact me if you need any info on Barkley or salmon beach.