Run of the River Projects

Funny how the US is removing dams and doing what they can to help the salmon, and we just keep ruining their habitat.
The sad truth is: Rafe Mair should be running our Province!
There is a major difference between the newer run of river projects and most of the older dams already in place . The new power projects are only put in places that are impassible to fish already . If all power projects through out history we're given this amount of thought we probably wouldn't have the low fish runs we do now.
I second that last post - the direct effects on the salmon's habitat are obvious, it is the secondary effects from these ROR projects upstream that are numerous and complicated:

Sediment is quickly dropped at the top of the ROR when the majority of water is diverted - but when the clear water rejoins the river, its ability to pick up sediment has increased. These projects will cause accelerated erosion in the downstream areas - wait - isn't that where everyone builds their houses?

Coarse particulate organic matter (leaves, etc) is screened off at the top of the ROR, meaning the bugs that would be in the stream feeding are no longer there. Then downstream, there is not enough fine particulate matter, or bugs, to feed other bugs, which is what the salmon eat. This reduces the amount of food for all species in the system, which then reduces food for me :)

We should not assume to know so much that we can disturb such a complicated thing as an ecosystem. We are just ignorant pawns in a championship chess game....

Please just create conversations about the dangers of ROR projects and salmon farms with everyone you know - otherwise noone knows that we care.

Catch and release -- into my frying pan.
No matter how "nice" they promise to be to the river I still don't like the idea that they want private control to the river. To me that means public access prohibited and they can do what they want to the river.Just my opinion .:D
