Proposed Regulation Changes


Well-Known Member
The province updated the Angling, Hunting and Trapping Engagement Website with a handful of new proposals, mostly for Region 1 but there are some amendments for 2 and 3.

The time for input is very short as feedback must be in by December 31.

Take the time to review the proposals -- here is one that has already been turned down by the Region 1 FRAC but the province has ignored the committee and put it in anyway


Proposed amendment to the “Age Restriction” regulations and the waterbodies where age restricted regulations apply.
Current Regulations:

Age Restricted Waters – You may fish in these waters only if you are less than 16 years of age (residents under the age of 16 do not need a licence to fish), or are in possession of a valid non-tidal Angling Licence indicating either BC Senior or BC Disabled.
Proposed Regulations:

Angling permitted for individuals in possession of a valid Non-Tidal Angling Licence indicating BC Disabled. Angling permitted for individuals over 16 years of age only when accompanied by youth under 16 years of age who is actively participating (angling). Individuals in possession of a valid non-tidal Angling Licence indicating BC Senior would only be able to angle on these waters only when accompanied by a youth under 16 years of age who is actively participating.

The waters that this regulation would apply to are all water bodies that currently have age restrictions.

Various other water bodies throughout the province may be considered for this regulation in the future.

The current regulation prohibits adults (including parents) from angling with youths under 16 years of age. This has been cited as a deterrent for participation on age restricted waters. Under the proposed regulation anybody can angle on family fishing lakes provided they are accompanied by somebody under the age of 16.

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And there are others that make little sense too... get you feedback in