Partial Solution to Salmon Aquaculture Issues ?


Well-Known Member
Feedstock for Salmon ranches is a contentious issue-maybe they could use some of this crap Carp to feed the slugs instead.

Asian carp feeding frenzy


An officer with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service holds up a giant Asian carp.

What do you do with a bony, ugly, jumpy, fat, fugitive fish that has taken over the Mississippi and Illinois rivers and threatens the ecology of the Great Lakes?

Grind them into fish sticks and feed them to the poor.

That’s the latest strategy from the Illinois Department of Natural Resources in its tussle with the Asian carp. The department plans to process tons of the fish and donate it to food banks, including the St. Louis Area Food Bank.

“We’ll filet them and pull the bones out and turn them into fish sticks, or the equivalent of canned tuna,” says Tom Main, acting deputy director at the DNR. “The fish actually taste pretty good.”

Main has a lot of dead fish on his hands. The state pays commercial fishermen to pull Asian carp out of the northern Illinois River. It’s an effort to keep them out of the canal and rivers that connect to Lake Michigan, which is, so far, nearly Asian carp-free.

“We’ve pulled out 150 tons just this year,” he says.

Great Lakes states fear that the carp may wreak havoc on the lakes’ fishing industry, as it already has done on rivers farther south.

In 2008, Asian carp made up 82 percent of the commercial catch on the Illinois River and 30 percent on the Mississippi, according to the Illinois DNR.

Not only are Asian carp invasive, they’re assaultive. The silver variety jump out of the water, sometimes 8 feet high, and knock fishermen from their boats. They can weigh 50 pounds and more.

To the DNR, the solution is obvious: Get Americans to eat them.

Lots of people already do, but they’re in China. Big River Fish Corp. in Pearl, Ill., has a contract to supply 30 million pounds of carp to the Chinese. The fish are gutted and flash frozen, then sent by rail to ships on the West Coast. The company also processes carp for use as gefilte fish for Jewish consumers in the U. S.

Rick Smith, Big River’s president, says he also has had feelers from prison officials about feeding carp to prisoners. But beyond that, the carp haven’t tempted the American palate. So lots of surplus carp are ground up as animal feed.

Main plans a roundabout marketing effort to get Americans to love bony fish. “It’s not sustainable for the government to finance this forever,” he says.

That’s where food pantries come in. If the state can present carp in a way that poor people like, word may spread. Then maybe the state can get supermarkets to bite.

The DNR is working with Feeding Illinois, an association of food pantries. Carp is a good source of protein, says Tracy Smith, Feeding Illinois’ director, and other sources are getting expensive. The price of a truckload of tuna has risen from $45,000 to $75,000.

“I really like the way the DNR is handling this,” she said.

Frank Finnegan, director of the St. Louis Area Food Bank, remains noncommittal. He’s worried that his clients may not like the taste and that the food bank may have to pay for shipping and storage.

But selling supermarkets on carp may be tough. “Carp is a four-letter word,” says Kevin Irons, aquaculture and aquatic nuisance manager for the Illinois DNR. People confuse Asian carp, a plankton-eater, with the American variety, which are bottom feeders and taste worse.

Supplying carp is no problem at all. Last fall, Big River got an emergency call from a customer in Iowa who found himself short 38,000 pounds of carp for gefilte fish. “Bring your truck down here,” Smith suggested.

Smith called the commercial fishermen who supply his plant. The next day, 38,000 pounds of Asian carp were waiting for the truck.

Illinois’ professional fishermen like Main’s idea. As it is, Big River Fish pays 50 cents a pound for catfish but only 15 cents per pound for Asian carp. And that’s up from only 8 cents before the Chinese market developed.
Saw a documentary on this alien fish's expansion up the Mississippi towards the Great Lakes. They're all freakin' out about it down there. The fish are so bad and so thick in many places that when guys are running the rivers in fast boats the carp are spooking on the approach of the boat and respond by jumping several feet in the air, often smacking folks on the boat. They'll all have to wear goalie masks soon. If memory serves they said these 2-species of carp were originally released from a small fish-farm outfit back in the late 80's.
My solution to this problem has always been to grind the works into fertilizer. Since fish meal is one of the best organic fertilizers on the planet it makes sense. No chemicals in the food, no chemicals polluting the water table, Farmers get a cheap alternative to chemicals, a new industry gets created opening up jobs and stimulating the economy, and they get rid of the fish, or at least get them under control. There's a lot of farmland in the world that could use the product so it's not like you couldn't find a demand or market for it. Oh ya, and a bunch of people get to make money from it. That seems to be the major factor in how we manage resources nowadays or whether something gets done or not.
Saw a documentary on this alien fish's expansion up the Mississippi towards the Great Lakes. They're all freakin' out about it down there. The fish are so bad and so thick in many places that when guys are running the rivers in fast boats the carp are spooking on the approach of the boat and respond by jumping several feet in the air, often smacking folks on the boat. They'll all have to wear goalie masks soon. If memory serves they said these 2-species of carp were originally released from a small fish-farm outfit back in the late 80's.

Actually they got loose when the Missippi river flooded and the commie fish ponds who were using these fish to clean them were flooded and provided an escape route.
Even in contained ponds fish farming has caused a nightmare.