Just thought I would share...

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member
Just settled down on the keyboard to see what is cooking this evening when I get a frantic call from the wife--- "GET DOWN HERE!!!" House is on fire? WW 3 has started?, We won a million on the lottery???

Nope-- one of our labs has barfed his dinner ALL OVER the kitchen floor. Somehow, its MY fault and I have to clean it up!!!But after 39yrs of marriage I know better than to question "She Who Must Be Obeyed" !!!! I decide to do a forensic analysis of the evidence... yep, cruncheons, unidentified slime, and Ah HA!!! The smoking gun!!! I call my Love Muffin to come and have a look at the root cause of the despicable fouling of the kitchen--- "See Honey-- thats what caused it!!! Right there, I'll pick some out for you to look at---" GRASS!! The pooch just couldnt resist those low fat greens!!!

Imagine my hurt feelings when I got told that she didnt care WHAT caused it--".. just be quick and get it cleaned up. "

And I thought she would be proud of my deductive skills. There is just no satifying "them".....;)

20ft Alumaweld Intruder
Well my Lab eats grass and then it gets stuck on the way out. He has no idea why I am po'd at him and not willing to help. A real lab though (the predecessor) swallows a hot dog bun and all whole, barfs it out whole, then eats it again, all the time wondering what the fuss is about.
Feel for ya bud. If my one of my dogs barfs or craps the wife does the cleaning because she knows if I get in there and get a wiff of it she'll be cleaning up my macaroni too.
