Judge Cohen public meetings


Well-Known Member

From a blustery North Pacific morning. The Fraser sockeye have finally passed Northern Vancouver Island and are heading for their spawning grounds throughout the Fraser watershed. They will feed 60% of the BC province, they have already given towns along the coast $100,000s, returning hope and prosperity to towns abandoned by our governments. But as Dr. Randall Peterman, chairman US/Canadian Pacific Salmon Commission states in the Vancouver Sun today, this year was miraculously positive, but one year does not make a trend. The Fraser sockeye have demonstrated in no uncertain terms that they are capable of thriving amongst us. They are up to the challenge of living with humanity! Now it is entirely up to us if we want this to continue. We have to know why so many returned this year after an 18 year decline in productivity.

Remarkably, we have just the mechanism already underway, the Cohen Commission. I am in this inquiry and I cannot state strongly enough that Judge Cohen must hear from all of you. He is making a significant effort by traveling throughout the Province before the hearings begin. Please consider showing up at these meetings.

Victoria - Sept. 16, 6:30pm - 9:30 pm Hotel Grand Pacific (Vancouver Island Ballroom) 463 Belleville St.
New Westminster - Sept. 20, 6:30pm - 9:30 pm Inn at the Quay (Hyak Rm North) 900 Quayside
Prince George - Sept 23, 6:30pm - 9:30 pm Ramada Inn (Cranbrook S. Centre), 444 George St.
Chilliwack - Sept 29, 6:30pm - 9:30 pm Coast Chilliwack Hotel (Rosedale AB) 45920 1st Ave.
Kamloops - Oct. 21, 6:30pm - 9:30 pm Coast Canadian Hotel (Collonade Rm) 339 St. Paul St.

Wild salmon are an icon of democracy as they benefit us all and can be destroyed by any. We have to view this fish throughout its life cycle and democratically deal with any who would cut this living bloodline to our coast. Democracy does not just exist, we have to engage in it, make it happen or we will lose it...just like these salmon.

The opposition have a campaign underway attempting to slander me. Lies are widespread, repeated in meetings, our biggest newspapers and in blogs. To set the record straight. There are no big funders from any country funding me or this movement. It is you, the 18,000 on this mailing list who have made thousands of small donations. This scares this Norwegian industry and government because they can't believe people can do anything for themselves. You are supporting this movement, but not me. I make a living through www.alexandramorton.ca this keeps my voice free to say it like I see it.

So it is up to you. Judge Cohen needs to hear from you. Please check www.salmonaresacred.org to join us in taking a stand for wild salmon.

alexandra morton