John Horgan running for NDP leader

Has he announced he's going to run? I haven't seen it in the media??
I'm not saying we don't need social programs or infrastructure spending Warren,
only that under NDP governments of the past, the spending ramped up.
they need the money from somewhere, so unless it comes from another sector
it comes from you and me and all the rest of the tax payers.

Here is how the current government increases your taxes.
For Immediate Release - March 6, 2014

VICTORIA – The independent BC Utility Commission is being forced to implement the BC Liberal government's hydro rate increases - making life less affordable for British Columbians, say the Official Opposition.

“Once again, the BC Liberal government is stripping independent government agencies of their ability to do their job of looking out for the best interests of ratepayers,” said Opposition energy critic John Horgan. “Instead, the BC Liberal government prefers to issue heavy handed edicts that make life less affordable for British Columbians.”

“This time it’s their massive increase to hydro rates that will make customers pay $477 more on their bills over the next three years.”

Special orders issued Thursday force the BCUC to implement the BC Liberal government's hydro rate increases “for fiscal 2015 and 2016 at 9 per cent and 6 per cent respectively.” The orders also set into stone the BC Liberal government plan to continue raiding money from the utility while they make BC families pay more.

“The BC Liberal government's hydro hike is on top of a flood of other hidden tax hikes discovered in Premier Clark’s budget,” said Horgan. “The BC Liberal government budget makes families pay $400 more for Medical Service Premiums. The BC Liberal government also will be taking in $162 million more in revenue from coastal communities and businesses who rely on ferries.”

Horgan said whether it’s through hydro rates, MSP, or other fee and fare hikes, families across BC are paying the price for BC Liberal government mismanagement.

“Before the election the BC Liberal government cancelled public rate hearings and continued to tell British Columbians that they had the situation under control. Now we know they never did,” said Horgan.

“If the BC Liberal government allowed the BCUC to do their job in the first place, we wouldn’t be in this mess. Instead, the BC Liberal government robbed them of their powers to oversee countless expensive private power contracts, the massive Site C project, and the billion dollar smart meter mess.”

So here we have two styles of taxes, one straight up and the other hidden.
One party want's it on the books for what it is and the other use the shell game.
Shell game works and they can still claim to follow the ideology.
That's why they are in power today.
Glad to see we are starting to see some possible leadership with a little integrity and supportive of sport fishing. Seems to me we have had more than our share of those that were only there for the $18.00 orange juice, huge pensions after a few years work, a chance to collect rewards from industries they supported while in power and cushy follow on political appointment double dipping , - anyone want an ambassadorship?
This topic came up at my work today. This Horgan guy is pretty popular all around with all types of folks it seems. I heard not one negative comment.
Right, and the Conservative appointed senators are lily white with all that shyte going on. They're all capable of this, I don't care which party flag they fly.
They are all capable of it. When in opposition our current federal government quit rightly shrilled out on the federal Liberals for their far too often excess’s, but once actually having power they have ended up making the Liberals look like altar boys. It seems once governments have been in power for more than a few years, they are entitled and they just can't help themselves.

There is a great quote by Robin Williams – Governments are like diapers, they should be changed often, and for the same reason.
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Yup she should resign. At least it sounds like she's paying it back. I wonder if Linda Reid will consider paying back the money for her useless trip. Wish I could post the link. But haven't figured out how to with a tablet.

Something needs to change, they all do it. A recall bill of some kind should be put in to affect for the lot of them. Better yet send some of them to jail and let's see if that makes a difference. Just pigs at the trough if you ask me. Nothing Honourable about a lot of them.
Good news!! Finally a bright light in BC Politics I know this man personally he is genuine, honest , intelligent, and he supports sports fishing. I wish John good luck in his campaign for NDP leadership!

I just spat my drink allover the screen. Newsflash honesty, integrity and politics absolutely do not belong on the same planet. They are all the same lining up at the trough! Just look at whats going on in Vancouver with the NDP oh well as long as they are sorry and pay it back there is nothing to see is there....maybe for the simpletons.
I just spat my drink allover the screen. Newsflash honesty, integrity and politics absolutely do not belong on the same planet. They are all the same lining up at the trough! Just look at whats going on in Vancouver with the NDP oh well as long as they are sorry and pay it back there is nothing to see is there....maybe for the simpletons.

I know I used to say the same thing. I'm not much for politics but I seriously would stand behind this guy. If you don't know this man John Horgan don't judge too quick. I don't think he is one to conform to the crooked side of politics. Plus he's also on the side of Sports Fisherman. Is this not a Sportsfishing Forum?
Your right while your looking for the "STRAIGHT" side of politics in this new beacon of integrity I will be doing just what this forum is But I am sure I will watch his downfall eventually on the National just like Dix...again.

I see someone posted a link to the Kwan incident. It would seem unfair to concentrate on an NDP MLA incident alone as all parities get caught up in the crap. Here is one hot off the press with a BC Liberal MLA and Speaker scrambling to do damage control and offering to pay back tax dollars once the press focused on it. In fact on balance it is inevitably the party in power that far exceeds the opposition parties when it come to these kinds of excesses because they have the power, control the process and have greater numbers in non minority govt. situations. The supporters of both parties want to bring attention to the scandals of the other party, it’s basic political tactics, but don’t think the BC Liberals are without culpability, or would win in a case by case analysis as to which party has had the least slim balls over the years.

Time to get back to fishing, the next provincial election is years away and that’s plenty of time for lots more political scandals, self serving dirty politics, corruption and fraud. Probably why used car salesmen are held in higher esteem than politicians and to employ an overused cliché, that comparison is certainly unfair to used car salesmen.

As for Horgan, as politicians go, quite a few seem to think he has some political integrity and granted the bar is pretty low in BC, but he is actually interested in sport fishing and related issues important to us, so if he ends up in a political leadership position, whether in opposition or in government, I don’t see how that hurts us.
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It's riduculous how many useless conferences these politicians attend. We need full disclosure of the expenses and what value the public recieved. I would guess none. These conferences are just an excuse for politicians and apperently their spouses to see the World on our dime. I'd like to see Africa too, I hear there's one in Barbados coming up soon. Bet the list on that one is filling up quickly! What a gravy train....
The trough thickens.....speaker of the house this morning another safari. I should not comment further but watch it it speaks for itself .