Garage sale specials.. Black Creek

Cuba Libre

Well-Known Member
But you have to work quick... Its a farm garage sale at 2330 Ployard Road off the old Island highway just north of the Black Creek store. It goes today and until Sunday from 8-4. There is a mishmash of farm, logging, commercial fishing, and home stuff. The farm is being sold so much of the stuff is up for sale.

The guy running the sale is a commercial fisherman that used to fish gillnet, troll, and prawns. He has a bunch of prawn line, ( no traps) and plugs. I bought 10 Tomic plugs 4-7" for $30. Most new, but a couple well experience with teeth marks. Also got two wire crab traps in just OK shape for $5 each. The plugs are hidden in the barn stalls in an area that he said he wasnt going to sell anything from! Drive up past the first barn to where there is an old trailer. There are a several deflated scotchman buoys that are suitable for halibut anchors. Also has a bunch of circle hooks in the lower barn. He has a large sawmill and is selling timbers off. Most of the stuff I saw was clear fir and very nice.

Tools etc-- have ater if so inclined.