Free Shipping From the USA-We Hit The Jackpot!


Well-Known Member
With our dollar being so strong we've all been thinking about what to buy from the USA but this deal takes the cake! is offering free USPS shipping to Canada on select items which probably means dropping a couple hundred bucks but it's worth mentioning anyway.

Looks like a heck of a reel, from the blurb. Have you used one?
What struck me was the line retrieve, "Fast retrieve pulls in almost a yard of line (35 inches) with every handle turn".
You'd be able to drag a salmon to the boat before a seal could catch up.
I think I've got this right. If you compare the same reels (at least the 2 I checked) at this place to Cabelas, you will find the price's are no lower. I didn't research shipping costs, but if I were to purchase through mail order I think I's rather deal with Cabelas. On the order hand if you are patient and deligent there are opportunities on EBay.

typically FedEx will not charge brokerage fees - while UPS always charges a ridiculous amount.

Duty is not avoidable unless the item is shipped as a "gift".
Pictures always look good, I still prefer to touch and feel before I buy. Buying from online stores, still scares me, but I guess times are changing, and I will have to look at purchasing online, one day.
The site as linked doesn't have very much gear that would interest Salmon fishermen, the big game reels would be nice for Halibut but that's about it.

I put the link up as an example of the kind of deals that will be coming our way if our currency stays strong.

As to Cabela's I've done business with them for decades now they are usually the best of all, they even trained their telephone operators to recognise what the letter Zed is ;)

I've been buying gear online since 1999 and no probs to date except with EBay but that's another thread.
The ugly stick downrigger rods for $50 might be good?
What about taxes and duty coming accross the line?
There is no duty if they're in the North Am.
I have been charge a "handling fee" by the customs[xx(]
And unless the shipper notes "gift" on the shipping slip, you can expect to pay gst pst and through bloodyUPS a whopping "brokerage fee"[xx(]
quote:Originally posted by Red Monster

What about taxes and duty coming accross the line?
depending on item and country it's from Duty can range from 0 on a made in the USA item to 18%+85% on items like rubber waders and boots. Usually duty on fishing tackle like rods , reels and lures if not USA made is 6.5%