Corona Virus: What are you doing to contribute to reduce the curve?

and what exactly is your master plan to prevent someone else from getting it ? its growing exponentially WITH the complete shut down of the economy, WITH social distancing, WITH the end of travel. and all the other rubbish measures which arent doing squat other than wrecking the entire economy. its a virus. its airborne. it stays on surfaces for more than 2 weeks. dogs and now cats are getting it. you are going to get it. i am going to get it. your neighbors, friends, countrymen etc are going to get it. sitting in your house until the end of time is not the solution. its not going to stop in 2 weeks. its not going to stop in 2 months. its not going to stop in 2 years. the person who handles your grocery supply, the shipper who delivers your packages, the store clerk, the mail truck, the grocery truck, the grocery store, the HVAC units at the grocery store are all going to be contaminated eventually. and youre going to eventually get it. because you have to go out to eat.

As posted here already, the point of isolation is to stop or slow down the rapid spread so as not to overwhelm our healthcare system and potentially put hundreds if not thousands of at risk people in unnecessary danger.
And no, the entire planet is not going to be infected. We will see this get worse before it gets better but the world is not coming to an end.
Again, please reconsider your actions. You could put a loved one (or one of mine!) at risk.
As posted here already, the point of isolation is to stop or slow down the rapid spread so as not to overwhelm our healthcare system and potentially put hundreds if not thousands of at risk people in unnecessary danger.
And no, the entire planet is not going to be infected. We will see this get worse before it gets better but the world is not coming to an end.
Again, please reconsider your actions. You could put a loved one (or one of mine!) at risk.

The scary thing is there are more out there with opinions like that. Selfish and me first.
Im stumped here. I’m trying to come up with word that rhymes with Zurk.


I will say it’s nice that a majority of British Columbians are taking this seriously and the curve is slowing. Things are not going in a positive direction in the USA and especially New York.

What I’m doing is staying home. Keeping my hands clean and anything that comes to the house gets that can sit, will sit for a few days then gets sanitized. Door handles get sanitized daily.
Props to the OP for the tips and a thoughtful thread.

We have to keep trying or else we are just a bunch of JERKS (Hey, look that!)
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Coming from a medical family, I understand this, and am just as worried as that doctor, that this pandemic will continue for at least a year.

As to the original question from Birdsnest, here's what I've been doing:

Staying home, except for a walk in my neighbourhood every couple of days. But after some too-close calls today with filthy street people and seniors who don't understand what's going on, I'll not be venturing out much now.

Not touching anything outside my home, if I can help it. I hit door openers and crosswalk buttons with my shoe, walking staff, or the point of a key. I wear work gloves a lot. I store them in a plastic grocery bag in my jacket pocket or shoulder bag. That bag goes in the garbage when I get home.

I use hand sanitizer a lot when I'm outside. I have one clipped to a zipper of my "outside" jacket (an easily cleaned windbreaker), and others clipped to my shoulder bag and backpack.

When I get home, I wash my hands in the sink that the apartment manager has set up outside the front door. This sink drains onto the concrete entrance area, so I stand in that water to wash as much crap off the bottoms of my shoes as possible. (I hate spitters. Filthy habit.)

I open the main door with the key, not touching the door handle. Elevator buttons get the key point.

Once at my apartment door, I put any shopping bags on the floor ouside my door, step inside, and remove gloves if they're still on. Then I splash some 99% alcohol onto paper towels that are in an old tray on the floor, step in, and then step out of my shoes, and leave them there. Then remove my jacket and hat, before applying alcohol-based sanitizer to my hands.

To bring shopping items inside, I give them a wipe with a paper towel soaked in alcohol as I remove them from the plastic shopping bag, and bring them inside. The shopping bag goes into the garbage (which I hate to do, because I'm an ardent recycler, but I don't want to contaminate my recycle bin). Then I wash my hands, before putting my purchases away. After that, I use 70-95% alcohol in a paper towel to disinfect door knobs, light switches, faucet handles, kitchen countertops, and keys. My cellphone gets cleaned with dish soap and water (it's in a waterproof case).

Once a day, I disinfect common touch areas in my building, such as elevator buttons, hall doorknobs, stair rails, mail box, etc. The manager has put out disinfectant in the lobby for this use. He also has some in the laundry room, with instructions for everyone to wipe down all surfaces that have been touched.

I don't allow anybody into my place, not even family.

Good luck, everybody.
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and what exactly is your master plan to prevent someone else from getting it ? its growing exponentially WITH the complete shut down of the economy, WITH social distancing, WITH the end of travel. and all the other rubbish measures which arent doing squat other than wrecking the entire economy. its a virus. its airborne. it stays on surfaces for more than 2 weeks. dogs and now cats are getting it. you are going to get it. i am going to get it. your neighbors, friends, countrymen etc are going to get it. sitting in your house until the end of time is not the solution. its not going to stop in 2 weeks. its not going to stop in 2 months. its not going to stop in 2 years. the person who handles your grocery supply, the shipper who delivers your packages, the store clerk, the mail truck, the grocery truck, the grocery store, the HVAC units at the grocery store are all going to be contaminated eventually. and youre going to eventually get it. because you have to go out to eat.
The measures are effective at slowing transmission. Listen to the health care professionals. Viable virus does not stay on surfaces for over 2 weeks. The point of flattening the curve is so that everyone doesn’t get sick at once. Clearly you know no one who works in health care. Also, according to the B.C. center for disease control dogs and cats are not at risk of contracting Covid-19.
Can you get it twice?

In some ways there is becoming a credibility issue. I don't think anyone thinks this is a prank but why will this virus act differently than in other countries here in BC?
Having recently experienced the Gov's reluctance to test all but the most critical or those in contact with travelers I really start to doubt some of their information. I get it, wash your hands, stay apart, isolate.
The US gets a bad rap but they are testing more in one hour than BC does in two weeks and BC and the US had the same protocol advice.

Of all the countries only China has almost stopped this scourge. IMO everyone would be better off if the NA continent just went on a 30 to 45 days stasis, all bills cancelled

IMO the current strategy of dragging out this virus for years in the hopes that it dies out will damage the economy much more than a mandatory lock down, what good are civil rights to dead people?

I washed, I cleaned, I disinfected every thing constantly, masks, gloves,
Can you get it twice?

In some ways there is becoming a credibility issue. I don't think anyone thinks this is a prank but why will this virus act differently than in other countries here in BC?
Having recently experienced the Gov's reluctance to test all but the most critical or those in contact with travelers I really start to doubt some of their information. I get it, wash your hands, stay apart, isolate.
The US gets a bad rap but they are testing more in one hour than BC does in two weeks and BC and the US had the same protocol advice.

Of all the countries only China has almost stopped this scourge. IMO everyone would be better off if the NA continent just went on a 30 to 45 days stasis, all bills cancelled

IMO the current strategy of dragging out this virus for years in the hopes that it dies out will damage the economy much more than a mandatory lock down, what good are civil rights to dead people?

I washed, I cleaned, I disinfected every thing constantly, masks, gloves,
I believe governments are providing stale data to develop projections because there is a lag in accumulating and processing the information prior to release. So, if anything, the seriousness of this disease is understated by the daily numbers we see. More current information should be available today.

Testing uses limited resources and we only have so many test kits and technicians to process them. Testing provides additional confidence in the numbers but it certainly changes nothing in terms of hospital admissions or fatalities.

Any data coming from China has to be viewed with great skepticism.

There is a fine line between suppressing the virus and avoiding negative economic effects. I think government is doing a good job of balancing these competing interests and mitigating the damage. Isolation certainly interrupts business as usual but we will revive the economy once this virus has abated. We cannot revive corpses.

This disease is with us for a long time. It's important that we continue to cooperate with the distancing and isolation demands to reduce the impact of the virus and to allow our stressed medical resources to respond effectively.