Cohen Sea Lice Findings

This is such a farce! If not for the seriousness of it all - it would be laughable.

All of this science has been known for over a decade, yet here we are, still dragging our feet. PUNT THE PECKERHEADS BACK TO NORWAY!

It's clear the industry is in trouble and they know it. It's no coincidence that they've ramped-up their TV AD campaign in the midst of the Cohen Inquiry.

"...BC Salmon Farmers contribute over $800-million directly into the economy of our Province." BULL-****!
How can an industry owned by Norway that generates profits for shareholders and employs barely more than 1000 workers in BC achieve this? I beg anyone
to help me understand this.

"...Salmon Farming can help feed the billions of people on our earth and relieve pressure on wild salmon stocks." MORE BULL-****!
Man will never - I repeat NEVER - manage to generate or reproduce Mother Earths' capacity to produce WILD SALMON in a balanced and sustainable manner.
Today's salmon farmers have only underscored this fact. They pollute, spread disease & parasites, infect new territories with alien fish, and take 3 to 5 times more protein from the worlds oceans (herring/anchovies etc.) to produce one unit of product.

Also, let us never forget: Mother Natures salmon don't just feed people; think - Bears, Orca's, Eagles, Otters, Mink's, Seals, Sea Lions, Wolves, innumerable Sea Birds, Forests...

If by some miracle the Cohen inquiry manages some undoing of the industry (don't hold yer' breath) I think British Columbian's should hunt down each and every greasy politician who accepted bribes from and supported this industry over the years. They should not only be revealed for the scumbags they are for turning their backs on BC's Wild Salmon, they should be held accountable.

Public-flogging! Yee-ha!