Chum Return To The Fraser

There’s absolutely no justification for these openings. Time to send some letters to the new minister and the local MPs. The feds should be adding more resources and funding for habitat improvement projects and hatcheries not to kill more fish. This is the textbook definition for insanity!
There’s a guy in Kamloops who wrote up a petition to promote SARA designation for the ISF

I’d sign it if I could but I can’t—-you guys can and should

I have a perverse fascination with knowing what truly has been going on behind the scenes when reading about these DFO endorsed FN defies comprehension when sitting on the outside looking in—-allowing in river gillnetting after that last flooding event——knowing full well that any eggs in the gravel are gone and knowing full well that the chum run in aggregate was marginal at best even before the flood——what are they thinking? Who is making these decisions? And who gave the order to castrate the COSEWIC recommendations back in 2018?

Which begs the question——why even employ fishery biologists and encourage them to write up their findings if you’re just going to flush all the data down the toilet when it doesn’t support your master’s blind allegiance to reconciliation at any cost?
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