Chief of Haida Gwaii First Nations and Group Calling for Seal/Sea Lion Quota

Getting a lesson from Ken tonight what a legend.

Their is incredable amout of talent behind the scenes working on this.
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Good update on the progress that is being made boy they are acting fast!!

Thomas Sewid This week plans. Tomorrow morning off to 08:25 Departure Bay Ferry. Bus to Canfishco to speak with them in morning. Bus to Steveston to meet Herring seiner to go out with CBC NEWS to film sea lion hordes so non-fishers really grasp what is happening in regards to over population of pinnipeds. Back to Vancouver for Tuesday meeting with pet food company for pinniped market. Wednesday off to Victoria with President Roy Jones Jr. & Ken Pearce to hear our report in Legislature and then meet M.L.A.s that want to know more about harvest. Media event to generate more recognition and support for harvest. Thursday try and get out to film seals in Nanaimo area river killing salmon. Do social media each day and try to develop website blueprint this week if I have time? Good thing I cashed seine statement, so now I have travel funds. Thought I would give full disclosure, because I know some will want to be negative, so I felt they should know a little of how we are all working to get this harvest going.
That’s a pretty unreal video. The sea lions aren’t a bit afraid of the boat or humans. That would be extremely frustrating being the commercial fisherman in those instances. Bad enough being a sporty and having a few salmon taken by them. A balance has to be struck and right now the balance is way out to lunch IMHO.

FYI, just a few facts for you, taken from the site.

Monday I am taking a break from promoting Pacific Balance Pinniped Society throughout Facebook. Too much negativity of late and I feel like I went 18 rounds with General Bubba Custer with one arm tied behind my back. Time to take a breather and focus on positive ambitions for a day.

I ask you to learn that SHARE to a group button/clicks. Be nice to see y'all share it to other groups you are members of?

I leave y'all this post with data that our founding director Ken Pearce forwarded me. It will astound you, anger you and hopefully put wind in your sails to share and get word out about our society's initiative? He's our data man and I asked him to compile references to scientific and other reports about the data on pinniped numbers. I was gobsmacked to say the least when I reviewed his summary!



For as long as I can remember, the focus on our dwindling stocks of Pacific Salmon, particularly Chinook and Coho has been around the usual culprits.

Logging, urbanization of streams, pollution of the various waterways, both fresh(spawning streams and rivers) and salt, over fishing, lack of proper management of the various user groups taking advantage of over harvesting due to lack of surveillance ( I e. over limits by sporties, poaching by various groups at the mouths of spawning streams and in the rivers and streams, poor management of actual “real numbers” of over fishing quotas, and lack of current accurate numbers of spawners returning to all of our spawning systems, and the list goes on.

My thoughts were aroused after thoroughly reading the following papers.

1. The current Salish Sea Marine Survival Project on Predation by Ben Nelson, et all.
2. Seals and sea lions may be slowing salmon recovery, hurting Orcas. By
Chistopher Dunagan.
3. Several papers posted in the Columbia Basin Report.
4. An extensive paper presented by the Gill Netters Association in the late
5. Brandon E.Chasco et all NOAA
6. Dr.Walters et all Oceans and Fisheries at UBC
7. Pacific Salmon Foundation Salish Sea Marine Survival Projects
8. Peter Olesiuk Oceans and Fisheries at UBC

Several very significant scientifically proven facts stand out and run a common thread through the above papers.

1.Harbor seals, protected by the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 have nearly doubled in numbers in the inland waterways since 1972—going from 210,000 to 355,000

On the North East Pacific they grew from 350,000 to 1,126,469
2.California sea lions grew from 5,900 to 47,000 3. Stellar sea lions increased from 74,400 to 78,500 4 Transient Orcas grew from 294 to 644 5 In the Salish Sea the Harbour Seal population grew from 8,600 in 1975 to 80,000

I'll summarize the numbers from the Gill Netter Association. These numbers come from D.F.O. publications, of which I have the copies.

1. North coast Pacific: 1987 – 350,000 1997 1,126,469
2. B.C. Coast: 1987 1997 209210 current numbers are stated at 355,000.
3. Georgia Straight: 1987 12,500 1997 40,250 current numbers are 45,000

1. North East Pacific 1987 900,000 1997 2,898,000

1. North East Pacific 1984 120,000 1997 333,600
2. B.C. Coast 1984 4500 2015 47,000

1.North East Pacific 1984 200,000 1997 556,000
2. B.C. Coast 1984 13,000 2015 78,500


I have not found any written evidence of the break down of their food groups?

I am using the consumption numbers published in the above papers. For Harbour seals,they range from 5lbs/day to 14/lbs/day

The consumption numbers for California sea lions range from 30lbs/day to 50lbs/day.

The numbers for Stellar sea lions ranged from 40 to 60lbs/day

The numbers for Fur seals was stated at 5.5lbs/day

For simplification of the math I used the following rounded consumption numbers
1. Harbour Seals 10 lbs/day

2.California Sea Lions 40lbs/day

3.Stellar Sea Lions 50lbs/day

4.Fur Seals 5lbs./day

The consumption math falls into place as follows for the current time period

Species Herd size Pounds/day total lbs./day

Harbour seals 1,126,469 10 11,264,690

California lions 339,600 40 13,584,000

Stellar lions 356,000 50 17,800,000

Fur Seals 2,898,000 5.5 15,939,000

That does not include the consumption by Orcas (664 outside 70 inside)

Grand totals: 58,587,690lbs/day!!

Totals per month (assume 30 day month) 1,757,631,000 lbs/mo

That is 878,810 tons/mo.

1 current seine boat can hold 55 tons which equals 15,978/boat loads/mo!!

For sake of argument lets assume that that consumption rate is 50% of various salmons ( Chinook, coho, sockeye, pinks, chums, steel head) which is most likely a low number.

The numbers for salmon consumption ( remember no Orcas included here)
would be: 439,405 tons/mo

Again for easy math, lets assume the average weight of
salmon to be 10 lbs. There for consumption of salmon in this
analysis would be: 4,394,050 salmon/mo!!


The growth rate of the seals and sea lions et all averages 10% plus ( compounded)/year and the production of salmon is not even close to keeping up to this number.

Now we add in the destruction ( consumption) caused by seal predation on smolts in the estuaries to this mix.

Dunagan states the production of Chinook smolts alone in the West Coast area, including hatcheries and wild is 29,000,000.

He also states that the consumption of Chinook smolts to be 85% or 24,000,000.

Similar current studies ( as stated above) on the Big Qualicum, Cowichan and Puntledge show that the seal predation to be 1 kg/seal/day of coho smolts. At 2g/smolt that is 100 coho smolts/day x how many seals ?

The above study ( of which the P.S.F. was also involved) did not include Chinook.

These are staggering numbers and need to be addressed as soon as possible.

Is it a wonder that our resident Orcas are short on their favorite meal of chinooks???

Your thoughts, please

Ken Pearce
605 839 7756

The science is pointing to certain individual animals that have become habituated to preying upon smolts. They are territorial so it would make sense to have a very scientific approach to harvest only specific animals.

We must avoid an indescriminant harvest because there are potential dire consequences. For example, pacific hake are another very significant predator of salmon smolts. Pinniped also prey upon hake. If we harvest the wrong pinniped groups we risk upsetting the balance. Moreover, pinniped form an important diet for the transient killer whales therefore we must guard against unintended consequences

My 2 cents
Politicians and sea lions big damage...make the same sounds. If they fly the former to the arctic why not the latter and feed starving polar bears.
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Grind it up and use it for feed on land based salmon farms :rolleyes:

Check out the Newfoundland & Labrador Fisheries and Aquaculture website they are harvesting seals in historically low numbers and the range of products is quite remarkable. If marketed correctly it could be a viable resource while keeping a check on a seal population which has apparently grown quite unsustainable in the long term.