Campbell River



In case some of you missed the news (well it's news</u> to the north Island folks), Elk Falls pulp mill will be closed this November.
Sooo.... who wants to buy some property up here now???
Me thinks this should bring some prices down in the next year or so. Not so much a crash as a price "adjustment" I predict.
There goes the paid fire department, the 7.2 mil a year tax revenue and a bunch of support companies in town.
On the plus side, ........sorry, can't think of any yet....

Unfortunately, I almost expect this may benefit me, heres why;
I am a marine mechanic and work out of my truck. Im ticketed and insured. The reason why I think this may benefit me is the fact that I have very little overhead and can afford to work for half of what the local $110/hr shop will charge. I offer top quality work at a fair price.
