anybody tried or used anything like Build Up Buster on their powerheads before??


Well-Known Member

since my boat used to be a mainly salt chuck boat, and was flushed with freshwater it still has some salt deposits in the cooling jackets of the powerhead. Has anybody ever used that website product called build up buster to flush the powerhead and eat away the salt build up in the powerhead?? I have good flow out the tell tale but just want to clean it up on the inside so then i know its good to go without any major cooling issues down the road.

also any other alternatives considering that product is out of the states that with our dollar being in the hole its a PITA to get that here for cheap
I recall people saying good things about a product called Salt Away but i havent used it personally.
I use salt away. Never opened a power head on any of the motors that I have used it on so cannot give a definitive yeah or nay, but I will state that my 2004 8 h.p. Honda has probably 1800 - 2200 hours (mostly trolling) on it and still runs strong and reliably.
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I use salt away. Never opened a power head on any of the motors that I have used it on so cannot give a definitive yeah or nay, but I will state that my 2004 8 h.p. Honda has probably 1800 - 2200 hours (mostly trolling) on it and still runs strong and reliably.

where do you find salt away? do you guys think CLR would get rid of that stuff as well?
dont buy it at steveston marine very expensive there i bought it at west marine think its 67 for a gallon.
Salt away was recommended highly by my mechanic as an annual treatment.