Another fish farm break ...


Crew Member
I was just watching the A Channel news and there has been another large release of farmed atlantic Salmon [V] [V]
The release happened around the Tofino area I beleive.. Aparently during a rutine harvest the pen with around 20,000 fish broke... They are saying they don't know how many escaped... They have seiners out and around the area trying to net as many as possible....
How many of these are going to happen before this will stop.... :( :( :(
I dont think that we will ever see an end to fish farming as the government makes to much money off of the permits and the owners have to much invested in the local goverment for this PARTNERSHIP to disolve.
In my opinion, farms aren't going anywhere....but they are constantly improving their farming methods in response to public pressure so as long as we continue to demand improvements we'll see reduced impacts on wild stocks (and a more nutritional food product).
Hey Yammy!

When our illustrious government proposed to lift the moratorium on expansion of the industry a few years back - we all cried foul and demanded that these dirty, polluting, environmental 'time-bombs' be removed from our coast.

Our government ignored us and canons of scientific evidence that proved this industry for what it is: a cess-pool on our coast that exists to feed Americans!

What makes you think any demands to improve the way the industry does business would be heard in Ottawa? They're all too busy hopping in and out of bed with the Dutch and Norwegians who own and control the lion's-share of the industry on our coast.

The only real-improvement would be land-based operations and that won't happen due to unrealistic infrastructure/operating costs. The fish-farmers will simply pack-up and go find some other collusive government to do business with; somebody else's coastline and eco-system to mess with.

Finally, if you're implying that farmed-fish is more nutritious than WILD fish, you are obviously misinformed or have been misled by the industry. Read about the studies that have been done on the stuff.
Why did Health Canada (or the FDA, I don't remember which) advise us not to eat more than one or two portions of farmed-salmon per week?

I am repulsed by farmed salmon and I fear it but one more excuse for the Fed's to keep their backs turned on our precious wild-salmon stocks and habitat enhancement projects.

Yeah I respect your points LH but I'm just saying that due to public pressure this industry has been improving it's product and farming practices...(double net pen systems, new feeding technologies to prevent overfeeding, better site locations, fallow periods, SLICE treatments to kill lice, new feed designs that lower contaminant levels to those seen in wild salmon while maintaining essential fatty acids etc..). And yes, they still need a lot of improvements.
How about improvements like moving them inland to a more controlable and less impactive environment.

I believe there is a farm in Nanimo that is completely on shore. Cant recall the name, but it is being done. I think it was one of the first to do it.
There was one in Cedar. It went under a couple years ago due to the high prices of pumping water and oxygen compared to the price they got for the fish.
I think the big issue is ATLANTIC</u> salmon in the Pacific Ocean.Someone really had a brainfart there.Asian carp in the great lakes,and now this.
Maybe they'll set up an alligator farm in Elk Lake next-wouldn't that be peachy[?]