55-pounder from Pedder on Sunday?

Little Hawk

Active Member

Took my Daughter out with me for my first trip in over two decades. Launched at Pedder but retired early with kicker problems. This was to be expected I suppose because I just got it 'fixed'... $170/smackers.

Anywho, we get back to the marina around 10-am. Soon, I'm in the stall in the MEN's room takin'-care-of-business when a guy walks in, then shortly after another.

I hear one guy tell the other, "Some guy caught a 55-pounder right out here in the bay, on the right side"

The other guy, still standing at the urinal says, "Wow, are you shi...ten' me?"

Me, still sittin' on the throne says, "Wow are you shi...ten me?"

Anyone else hear this story?
