2009 Salmon Management Plan


Well-Known Member
I'm posting the link to DFO's site for anyone who is interested in the 2009 Salmon Mgmt Plan, which also includes the outlook forecasts for each area. 2009 should be a similar if not slightly better year overall in almost all areas as compared to 2008.
In my area (Bamfield/Port Alberni)the Sockeye forecast is for just under 400,000 which means a recreational fishery for the first time in 3 years. Forecast return of Chinook to Stamp/Somas is about the same as last year. And for all of us who fish off shore on Big Bank, the Columbia Chinook are forecast at 500,000 and Coho at 1.2 million. Happy days ahead.

Here is the link: http://www.pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/consultation/fisheries-peche/smon/index-eng.htm

Enjoy, and get out on the water to have some fun. Tight Lines.
Yay 400,000 sockeye. Gay. They should be in the millions, but lets fish the **** out them this year!
Hey snapper, great way to look at things...kill em all while you can eh? Does anyone think rebuilding stocks would be better for everyone?

You guys are going to be starting at 2/day and they might ramp it up to 4/day if the catch isn't too high too fast. I'd guess with the bunch of horny fisherman that have been chompin' at the bit and getting ready to kill sockeye for the first time in 3 years, this fishery will go fast. You guys will have to be careful not to catch them too quick or come July DFO will pull the pin on you guys and Alberni's cheap and easy sockeye fishery will be done early, and that'll cost the town big money. Hopefully the forecast is low and it won't be a scorcher so the fishing will be able to continue right through the run...here's hoping.

Hey snapper, great way to look at things...kill em all while you can eh? Does anyone think rebuilding stocks would be better for everyone

Millsy, i think he was being sarcastic, don't think Snapper is
in favor of an opening with stocks that are so reduced.
Millsy, I actually agree with your thought...we really should be careful not to go hog wild. If everyone lets off on the accelerator we can prolong the season and everyone can have a good time and there will be lots of fish hitting the spawning grounds. Win/win.
Cheers All,

Look for this fishery to be cancelled in the very near future. Since the total forecast run is only 400,000 DFO felt they could have a small sports fishery and announced this opportunity. However, since the coffer damn on the Stamp has NOT been fixed, the water level had to be brought down to historic levels to ensure the dam didn't fail during the winter floods. Well folks...that dam has NOT been fixed so they will again have to lower the water this winter. This "de-watering" of spawning area equates to a the same as a mortality of apporoximately 30% (or over 125,000 fish). Well, if one takes the original estimate of 400,000 fish and removes the 'de-watering mortality' (125,000) you come up with a estimated stock of 275,000 fish. Since this fishery needs at least 250,000 fish to sustain itself...how in the name of anything right or just can anyone support any form of fishery. The dam needs fixing before this fishery can even be considered. The time frame for this reconstruction is about one year and several millions of dollars.

DFO has only become of this 'PROBLEM' and several managers were moving very quickly today to CTA.

Look for things to happen (or at least hope they happen)!

Fishing Guide
Hey fishing guide, that's not really how it works. The lake is a concern but all of the morts caused by the low water levels doesn't directly tranlate into the same reductions in adult returns (thankfully). The lake is an issue, and it sucks for sure, it's a bad situation that people are trying to make the best of and people are actually making some progress.

The issue with the Barkley sockeye fishery this year will be about much more than that, probably worth it's own post...
I would like to see a rolling closure on the sockeye, maybe Odd days only to fish them, just to take a bit of pressure off, but Iam all for catching Sockeye, pound for pound the best fight in my opinion.