Whale watchers harassing whales in Sooke


Active Member
A very reputable resident of Gordons beach just watched a fleet of whale watchers bombard a pod of whales for several hours just two days ago.

If we are to abide by the Whale rules set forth this year, then DFO needs to stop patrolling Otter point from the bushes, spying on fisherman who go 500 feet past a closed area and begin enforcing the practice of letting the whales rest and eat. So this means whale watchers should be off limits to those areas as well.

I encourage anyone to video tape or photograph any of this activity so we can make this argument even on all playing fields. The media would have a hay day if they had footage of what this person witnessed.
A very reputable resident of Gordons beach just watched a fleet of whale watchers bombard a pod of whales for several hours just two days ago.

If we are to abide by the Whale rules set forth this year, then DFO needs to stop patrolling Otter point from the bushes, spying on fisherman who go 500 feet past a closed area and begin enforcing the practice of letting the whales rest and eat. So this means whale watchers should be off limits to those areas as well.

I encourage anyone to video tape or photograph any of this activity so we can make this argument even on all playing fields. The media would have a hay day if they had footage of what this person witnessed.
Out by Jordon River today and observed a whale watching boat on the edge of the fog and on top of the Orcas
These guys go right into the fog to find the whales where there is limited visibility and get as close as needed to satisfy their paying guests!
No enforcement and not likely to be any.
The whole thing is a joke, you guys need to take video and pictures send me a pm and i will give you my email to send me the videos and pics.