Webinar Today 1 to 3 PM(Nov 7) on Thompson Steelhead with DFO

here we go boys, A whole 20 people on the call lol and all the usual people.

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A comedy moment courtesy of Bob Hotoon!

from Bob Hooton to everyone:
DFO just doesn't get it. The final estimate of Thompson steelhead spawner abundance in 2018 was 150 fish, not the 175 or whatever figure it is DFO is using at this point. Right now the best estimate available for next spring's spawner abundance is very similar. The single manageable issue facing these fish is harvest. Full stop. The scenario that has unfolded on the Fraser this late summer and fall is an out of control fishing by First Nations, fully sancioned by DFO I might add. Between the sanctioned and unsanctioned fisheries there is no hope for the future of these fish unless those fisheries are terminated. No more lip service and boardroom double speak. Just do something and quit pretending there is anything approaching conservation on the DFO agenda. The cost of the agonizing processes around COSEWIC, SARA, and a plethora of forums DFO has engaged in is indefensible. If managing to zero is your objective as it obviously must be, just say so and quit wasting everyone's valuable t

from Bob Hooton to everyone:
Is this "consultation" or a brainwashing lecture?

Now talking about drunking people, in Merritt mountain music fest destroying spawning beds LMAO
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from Greg Andrusak to everyone:
Is there not exemptions under SARA sec 83 (5) for FSC


Their is not enough steel head left to permit FSC fishery under Sara!!
Bob calls it the way it is...unfortunetly a lot of people can’t get their heads out of the sand and realize he speaks the truth.
The people who speak against Bob, spend zero time amongst the Fraser net fisheries or anything that has to do with these fish(except Kenny:)).
The infuriating thing is that water, in sufficient quantities to significantly address productivity, is manageable and far more meaningful to these stocks than bycatch, and yet we pretend we can’t when in fact we choose not to! I’ve stated this many times before, even the Bob Hooton’s of the world are missing the main point, and doing steelhead conservation a disservice, by not focusing on the real issue. Yes, bycatch is an issue when the stock is down to 150 animals, though a strong argument can be made that, at that level, you no longer have a viable population no matter what you do. However, this stock should be in the 2500+ range even in down cycles. It isn’t rec mortality or by catch that has driven this stock to the brink, it is habitat and specifically the lack of water in the Nicola, Bonaparte and deadman systems.

Look at the Nicola Chinook, hatchery fish return b/c the hatchery continues to produce them but no wild fish come back, despite a good proportion of the hatch fish being allowed to spawn “in the wild”. However, just like Big T steelhead, there is virtually zero freshwater recruitment ... not surprising in a system that has limited viable floodplain or riparian habitat, and that has so much water sucked out for hay and cows that not only is there no refuge areas, temps regularly hit the high 20s through summer. Salmonids simply can’t survive at those temps, so outside of a few groundwater influence areas, the vast majority of these interior streams are unhabitable due to our irresponsible management of water.

Sad that we’ve lost this iconic stock! We should be ashamed, but sadly, we’ll continue to do the same to other stocks.

