Vancouver Aquarium Seal Rescue


Well-Known Member
While I'm not a proponent of a seal hunt in BC, I am also not a supporter of the aquarium playing god and rescuing seal pups that are not going to survive. That's the way nature works, these animals are not endangered and shouldn't be interfered with. They "save" about 200 seals per year. Of course they get publicity and sell tickets based naming a premature pup, but I think it is misguided. I doubt they will stop this practice, but communicating to them via facebook or other means that there is some disagreement with the practice probably wont hurt.
Totally agreed. If the population is critically low and dropping - which it is most certainly not - then maybe. Try talking about culling problem seals with these people. Good luck!
I have an organization in my area that every year puts up posters about rescuing seal pups as well. I find it ridiculous, if only because they are interfering and taking away a food source for the Eagles and Turkey vultures etc. I've never seen so many seals as there are now, when I pass by the reefs, there's hardly enough room for them all to fit on the rocks.