Ucluelet Salmon Ladder Derby

The West Coast is buzzing with the first annual Ucluelet Salmon Ladder Derby. Locals, visitors, charters and guides are all fishing for big cash and to raise funds and awareness for salmon enhancement on the West Coast.

It's a summer long fishing ladder derby that started May 24th. There's $10, 000 cash and prizes available for monthly winners. Catch a big salmon - get a spot on the ladder. At the end of the summer the top 50 fish, along with the top 5 from each month, fish off for cash prizes up to $60, 000 dollars. The fish-off is September 11th and 12th.

All net proceeds will go to the Ucluelet Salmon Enhancement Society and support the Thornton Creek Hatchery project.

Derby tickets are available at vendors throughout Ucluelet and online at www.uclueletsalmonladderderby.com. They are $10 for the day or $50 for an annual.

For more information email info@uclueletsalmonladderderby.com

Amy Hancock
Ucluelet Salmon Enhancement Society